Architectural Quizzes



GATE 2021

1. (i) Arun and Aparna are here.
(ii) Arun and Aparna is here.
(iii) Arun’s families is here.
(iv) Arun’s family is here.
Which of the above sentences are grammatically CORRECT?


2. The mirror image of the above text about the x-axis is

3. Two identical cube shaped dice each with faces numbered 1 to 6 are rolled simultaneously. The probability that an even number is rolled out on each dice is:


5. Four persons P, Q, R and S are to be seated in a row. R should not be seated at the second position from the left end of the row. The number of distinct seating arrangements possible is:


6. On a planar field, you travelled 3 units East from a point O. Next you travelled 4 units South to arrive at point P. Then you travelled from P in the North-East direction such that you arrive at a point that is 6 units East of point O. Next, you travelled in the North-West direction, so that you arrive at point Q that is 8 units North of point P.
The distance of point Q to point O, in the same units, should be___________


7. The author said, “Musicians rehearse before their concerts. Actors rehearse their roles before the opening of a new play. On the other hand, I find it strange that many public speakers think they can just walk on to the stage and start speaking. In my opinion, it is no less important for public speakers to rehearse their talks.”
Based on the above passage, which one of the following is TRUE?


8. 1. Some football players play cricket.
2. All cricket players play hockey.
Among the options given below, the statement that logically follows from the two statements 1 and 2 above, is:


9. In the figure shown above, PQRS is a square. The shaded portion is formed by the intersection of sectors of circles with radius equal to the side of the square and centers at S and Q.
The probability that any point picked randomly within the square falls in the shaded area is___________

10. In an equilateral triangle PQR, side PQ is divided into four equal parts, side QR is divided into six equal parts and side PR is divided into eight equal parts. The length of each subdivided part in cm is an integer.
The minimum area of the triangle PQR possible, in cm2, is


11. As per National Building Code of India, 2016, the function of an automatic Rescue Device is to


12. Which among the following acronyms represents a thermal comfort index?


13. Indian satellite sensor that can be used for very high resolution mapping of urban areas is


14. What is the smallest entity of raster data used in GIS?


15. The correct sequence of stages during firing/burning of bricks is


16. Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) in BIM is


17. As per urban design principles proposed by Gordon Cullen, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi, is an example of


18. A waste water pipe connecting two inspection chambers (IC) is laid at a slope of 1:200. The Invert Level of the starting IC is -450 mm. The Invert level of the second pit at a distance of 40 m from the first IC is


19. From the images P, Q and R given below, select the corresponding land use categories according to Alonso’s Bid Rent Theory.


20. The urban land use model based on the concept of a polycentric city is known as


21. The total head or total lift against which a pump works includes suction lift, discharge lift and


22. The two components for measuring time of concentration for storm water are


23. The traffic assignment technique where the traffic arranges itself in congested networks such that the journey time in all used routes between an Origin-Destination pair are equal and less than those that would be experienced in all unused routes. This is known as


24. What is the dependent variable in a regression based trip generation model?


25. The curve traced by a point on a circle rolling inside another circle is known as


26. The law of Primate City was first proposed by


27. In the European Union which constitutes the cities namely, London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Cologne, Frankfurt, Munich and Milan, lie within a linear megalopolitan zone known as


28. An urban governance tool to mobilize financial resources by permitting additional FAR over and above the prescribed FAR by imposing a charge or fee for the same is known as


29. Identify the colour palette that is created using any three equally spaced hues around the colour wheel.


30. Coefficient of Performance (COP) for heat pump is used to calculate


31. Freight flows are converted to truck flows using


32. Rebound hammer test is used to measure


33. Which type of temporary supporting structure can be used in case of rebuilding the lower part of a load bearing wall at ground floor above plinth level?


34. During earthquake, soft storey failure in a building is due to


35. Following five activities are associated with construction contract management. Choose the option showing the correct progressive sequence of the activities.


36. Match the acronyms in Group I with the particulars in Group II.


37. Match the buildings in Group I with their corresponding architect in Group II.


38. Match the heritage conservation charters in Group I with their focus areas in Group II.


39. Match the Buildings (name of architects) in Group I with the abstractions used in Group II.


40. Match the names of the gardens in Group I with their type in Group II.


41. Match the various types of impurities present in water in Group I with the appropriate water treatment process given in Group II.


42. Match the temples in Group I with their style of Architecture in Group II


43. Match the urban form/structure in Group I with their respective proponents in Group II.


44. Match the elements in Group I to their description in Group II.


45. Match the position of feet in Group I to the most appropriate description of stability of human body in Group II.


46. Match the buildings in Group I with their corresponding structural systems in Group II.


47. Choose the correct option with respect to cycle track design as per Indian Road Congress guidelines


48. As per the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013, for which purposes can the urgency clause for land acquisition be invoked?


49. Which of the following international treaties are related to Climate Change and global warming?


50. Which of the following statements are true with respect to surface paint?


51. Which of the following algorithms are used for finding the shortest path in an urban transportation network?


52. As per the Solid Waste Management Rules 2016, which among the following are ‘Duties of waste generators’?


53. Choose the correct options with regard to activated sludge process.


54. A rectangular hall having dimension of 8.0 m × 14.0 m × 4.0 m has total 4 windows (1.5 m x 1.0 m each) and 2 doors (1.0 m × 2.0 m each).
The coefficients of absorption are given below. Considering all windows open and doors closed, the reverberation time in seconds is               .
[round off to 2 decimal places]


55. If surface conductance of external surface is 20 W/m2 oC, absorbance of the surface is 0.66 and U value of the wall is 1.2 W/m2 oC, the solar gain factor of a wall is             . [round off to 2 decimal places]


56. The initial cost of a property is INR 4,00,000 and its future life is 30 years. Considering the scrap value as 10% of its initial cost and rate of interest as 5%, the sinking fund (deposited at the end of year) for the property is INR
[round off to 2 decimal places]


57. Reading in the staff stationed at P measured by a dumpy level is 3.5 m. The dumpy level is stationed at Q. The Reference Level (RL) at point P is 96.5 m and the height of the dumpy level is 1.25 m. The RL at point Q is_________m.
[round off to 2 decimal places]


58. A circular cricket field of 180m diameter is illuminated by four floodlight towers. Floodlight towers are equally spaced along the perimeter of the field. The height of the floodlight tower is 48m. Using ‘Inverse Square Law’, the illumination level at the center of the field is found as 750 Lux. Each tower is consisting of 50 lamps. The rating of each lamp is 700 Watt. The efficacy of each lamp is_______ Lumen/Watt. [round off to 2 decimal places


59. A building is constructed on a plot measuring 70 m × 40 m. The utilized FAR of the building is 1.5. An energy audit team found that the average monthly electricity bill of the building is INR 2,94,000. The unit cost of the electricity is INR 7. The Building Energy Index is integer] kW-hr/m²/year. [in integer]


60. A simply-supported steel beam made of an I-section has a span of 8 m. The beam is carrying a uniformly distributed load of 15 kN/m. The overall depth of the beam is 450 mm. The moment of inertia of the beam section is 18000 cm*. The maximum bending stress in the beam will be
[in integer]


61. The slenderness ratio of a circular column of diameter 300 mm and effective height 3 m is_________. [in integer]


62. A construction project consists of following five activities. The immediate successor activity relationship and duration of each activity are mentioned in the table below. The total duration of the project is__________weeks. [in integer]


63. It is proposed to have ceramic tile flooring in a room having internal clear dimension of 1.8 m × 2.4 m. Tile sizes are 300 mm × 300 mm. The door opening is 900 mm and the door is flushed with the internal face of the wall. The height of skirting is 600 mm. The number of ceramic tiles required for internal flooring and skirting is___________.[in integer]


64. In a housing project, 75% of the permissible FAR was utilised after constructing four numbers eight storey MIG towers with identical floor area of 400 sqm. If three numbers seven storey LIG towers with identical floor area are built utilising the remaining FAR, the floor area of each LIG tower is sqm.
[round off to 2 decimal places]


65. Using the following values of thermal conductance, surface conductance and thermal resistance, the U value across the given wall cross-section is_________ W/m2 °C. [round off to 2 decimal places]


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