Architectural Quizzes



GATE 2020

1. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award was conferred _____________Mary Kom, a six time
world champion in boxing, recently in a ceremony______________the Rashtrapati
Bhawan (the President’s official residence) in New Delhi


2. Despite a string of poor performances, the chances of K. L. Rahul’s selection in the
team are


3. Select the word that fits the analogy:
Cover : Uncover : : Associate: _______


4. Hit by floods, the kharif (summer shown) crops in various parts of the country have been
affected. Officials believe that the loss in production of the kharif crops can be
recovered in the output of the rabi (winter sown) crops so that the country can
achieve its food grain production target of 291 million tonnes in the crop year 2019-20 (JulyJune). They are hopeful that good rains in July- August will help the soil retain
moisture for a longer period helping winter sown crops such as wheat and pulse
during the November- February period. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the following passage


5. The difference between the sum of the first 2n natural numbers and the sum of the first
n odd natural number is __________


6. Repo rate is the rate at which Reserve Bank of India (RBI) lends commercial banks, and
reverse repo rate is the rate at which RBI borrows money from commercial banks.
Which of the following statements can be inferred from the above passage?


7. P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are seated around a circular table:
I. S is seated opposite to W
II. U is seated at the second place to the right of R.
III. T is seated at the third place to the left of R.
IV. V is the neighbor of S
Which of the following must be true


8. The distance between Delhi and Agra is 233 km. A car P started travelling from Delhi to
Agra and another car Q started from Agra to Delhi along the same road 1 hour after
the car P started. Two cars crossed each other 75 minutes after the car Q started.
Both cars wre travelling at constant speed. The speed of car P was 10 km/hr more than the
speed of car Q. How many kilometers the car Q had travelled when the cars
crossed each other?


9. For a matrix M = [ ; I,j= 1,2,3,4 the diagonal elements are all zero and .
The minimum number of elements required to fully specify the matrix is ________


10. The profit shares of two companies P and Q are shown in the figure. If the two
companies have invested a fixed and equal amount every year, then the
ratio of the total revenue of company P to the total revenue of company Q, during
2013-18 is


11. In the architectural style of ancient North Indian Temples, the term ‘Adhisthana’ refers


12. Who among the following architects has NOT won the Pritzker Architecture Prize till


13. The stone used in the construction of Kailash temple at Ellora is


14. vertical lines having
same thickness
appear to be of the
same height in
perspective as
shown in
the figure.
which line actually
has the maximum


15. As per
URDPFI Guidelines
2015, Government
of India, choose the
correct hierarchy of
plans from higher
to lower order.


16. Which of the following shapes can be used as in interlocking paver block without adding
any other shape?


17. In India, the Constitution (Seventy Fourth Amendment) Act, 1992, delegates powers to
institutions forming the third tier of government, which are


18. As on 2018, ‘Right to Property’ in India is a


19. Tendon is primarily used


20. Emergency preparedness for risk reduction does NOT include


21. If Beam : Column :: Transom : X
Which of the following options can replace ‘X’ ?


22. The correct chronological order of the given architectural movements is


23. The decay of sound in large room is indicated in the following figure. The spike within
the dashed zone denotes


24. For the same thickness of material layers, relative
position of insulation in the wall sections 1 and 2 shown below will have an
impact on


25. The solar altitude angle on April 16 at 7:00 AM in
Kochi is 16º. The same solar altitude angle will occur at the same time in the same year at
the same location on


26. In perspective drawing, the picture plane is in
between the Object and the Observer. If the Observer comes closer straight towards the
picture Plane, without changing the distance between Object and Picture Plane the
perspective image will be


27. Shyama- Rai temple of Bishnupur in West Bengal, is an example of


28. Which one of the following is NOT a land use


29. ‘Formulation of GIS based Master Plan’ is a sub
scheme of


30. One Hectare is equal to_______m2


31. One of the cities added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2019 is


32. In the given contour map, the angle at ‘A’
(in degrees, rounded off to two decimal places)
is ______

33. A 1.2 m high window is located on a south facing wall. The solar azimuth angle is
equal to the wall azimuth angle and the solar altitude angle is 60º. The minimum depth (inmeters, rounded off to two decimal places) overhang required to
completely shade the window is _______________

34. In the given figure, the area of the shaded portion is_____

35. Average density of a highway is 25 vehicles per km. Average volume of the vehicles
on the highway is 520 vehicles per hour. The mean speed (in km/hr,
rounded off in one decimal place is) _________________

36. Q.26 Match the terminologies of Munsell Colour Wheel in Group I with their corresponding
descriptions in Group II
Group I Group II
(P) Hue (1) Addition of black colour to the base colour
(Q) Chroma (2) Radial colour variation
(R) Value (3) Addition of White to the base colour
(S) Tint (4) Colour variation through angular differences
(5) Vertical colour variation


37. Match the plants form in Group I with their botanical names in Group II, as per ‘A
Handbook of Landscape’, CPWD 2013, Government of India
Group I Group II
(P) Columnar (1) Pinus roxburghii
(Q) Globular (2) Ipomoea grandiflora
(R) Weeping (3) Juniperus chinensis
(S) Pyramidal (4) Salix babylonica
(5) Mimusops elengi


38. Match the images of Garden in Group 1 with their names in Group II


39. Match the architects in Group I with their projects in Group II
Group I Group II
(P) Victor Horta (1) Farnsworth House
(Q) Gierrit Rietvelt (2) Robie House
(R) Mies van der Rohe (3) Tassel House
(S) Frank Lloyd Wright (4) Schroder House
(5) Vanna Venturi House


40. Match the graphical representation in Group I with corresponding elements in Group II


41. Based on the psychrometric chart given below, match the vector in Group I with the
respective process in Group II
Group I Group II
(P) V1 (1) Heating and humidification
(Q) V2 (2) Cooling and humidification
(R) V3 (3) Heating and dehumidification
(S) V4 (4) Sensible heating
(5) Humidification


42. Match the software tools in Group I with their primary applications in Group II
Group I Group II
(P) ETabs (1) Acoustic analysis
(Q) Carto (2) Structural analysis
(R) eQuest (3) Statistical analysis
(S) SPSS (4) Energy simulation
(5) Geo-spatial analysis


43. Match the structural form in Group I with their corresponding illustration in Group II


44. Match the books in Group I with the corresponding authors in Group II
Group I Group II
(P) The Autobiography of an Idea (1) Christopher Charles Beninger
(Q) Letters to a Young Architect (2) Sunil Khilnani
(R) A Pattern Language (3) Francis D. K. Ching
(S) Architecture: Forms, Space and Order (4) Louis H. Sullivan
(5) Christopher Alexander


45. Match the names of tactile paving in Group I with their patterns in Group II


46. Match the name of architects in Group I with the buildings designed by them in Group
Group I Group II
(P) Brinda Somaya (1) Museum of Tribal Heritage, Bhopal
(Q) Sheila Sai Prakash (2) St. Thomas Cathedral, Mumbai
(R) Revathy Kamath (3) Bait-ir- Rauf Mosque, Dhaka
(S) Marina Tabassem (4) Indian Navel Academy, Kerala
(5) Cholamandal Artist’s Village, Chennai


47. Match the terms in Group I with the parameters in Group II
Group I Group II
(P) Frontal Area Density (1) Active Green Area
(Q) Sky View Factor (2) Urban Density in Third Dimension
(R) Drift Index (3) Built Density in Two Dimension
(S) Biotope Factor (4) Lateral Stiffness
(5) cross Sectional Property of Urban Canyon


48. Match the structural system in Group I with their potential causes of failure in Group II
Group I Group II
(P) Flat Slab (1) Thrust
(Q) Long Column (2) Flutter
(R) Arch (3) Punching Shear
(S) Tensile Fabric (4) Buckling
(5) Moment


49. Match the masonry bond type in Group I with the corresponding illustration in
Group II


50. Match the characteristics type in Group I with the type of settlements in Group II as
given in URDPFI Guidelines 2015, Government of India
Group I Group II
(P) Zones of transition from
natural to urban land uses
located between the outer
limits of urban and regional
centres and rural environmnet
(1) Counter Magnets
(Q) Towns having potential for
investment and development
identified on the basis of their
inter-aerial relationship with
the regional nodal centre
(2) Satellite Towns
(R) Settlements that are growing
sub- nodal centres but
located out of the direct
functionally linked areas of
(3) Peri- Urban Areasthe growth node / nodal
centre in the region
(S) Located near or within
reasonable distance, well
connected by transportation
route of the growth node or
metropolitan city and
dependent on growth node
largely for employment
(4) Priority Towns
(5) Statutory Towns


51. A population of 2500 persons require a minimum area of 3000 for primary
schools. For the population in four different sectors given in the
table below, the sector having maximum shortage of school area per person.

52. Number of married couples in a household along with number of rooms (for a
household) are given in the table. Assuming each married couple needs one
separate room, the total number of additional rooms required for them is

53. In a residential complex, the central play area is to be converted as a detention pond
for storm water management. For a 24 hour rainfall event of 100 mm, a
100 % storm water of central play area and 70 % storm water run-off from rest of
the complex is to be held at a detention pond. Area distribution in the residential
complex is given in the table. The required depth of the detention pond (in mm) is _________

54. In the plot shown below , ‘S1’ and ‘S2’ are two non- directional point, having a
sound intensity level of 95 dB and 60 db, respectively, at a distance of 1 m from
each point source. Considering free field conditions, the effective sound
intensity level at the receiver location ‘R’ (in dB, rounded off to two decimal
places) is

55. A room measures 5m × 10m × 3m (L×B×H). Consider the following conditions
Total solar radiation incident on the roof surface = 800 W/
Outdoor air temperature = 40 ℃
Outside film coefficient of the roof surface = 18 W/ deg C
The outdoor mean radiant temperature is equal to outdoor air temperature The minimum reduction
required in solar absorption of the roof (rounded off to two decimal places) to achieve a
20º reduction in sol air temperature is

56. The activity duration, early start, early finish, late start and late finish of the three
activities ‘P’, ‘Q’ and ‘R’ are shown in the following figure. The independent float of
activity ‘Q’ is _________

57. A square based regular pyramid has all sides equal to 10 units. Its height (in the
same units, rounded off to two decimal places) is

58. A parking area measuring 52 m × 4.67 m is approached through a driveway as shown
in the given illustration. The parking is designed at an angle of 30º with the parking
bay of 2.5m × 5m The number of cars that can be parked in the designated parking area considering no car
overshoots the length of the parking area is _____________

59. Plan and section of an isolated foundation is given below. The volume of concrete up
to Ground Level (GL)
(in , rounded off to two decimal places) is___________.

60. Top floor of a 25 story building is using a flush valve system with a minimum fixture
pressure of 1.0 kg/ . If static pressure increases by 0.3 kg/ per metre length and
friction loss is zero, then height of the bottom of the water tank
from the top fixture (in meters, rounded off to two decimal places) is

61. In a single phase alternate current circuit, an electric lamp is rated 100 watts. If 220
volts is impressed on it and the power factor is 0.85, the energy (in watt hour,
rounded off to one decimal place) delivered in an hour is _____________

62. A simply supported RCC beam of cross section 0.4 × 0.6 m covers a span of 8 m. It is
subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 30 kN/m. If the unit weight of concrete is
24 kN/ , the tensile stress (in N/ rounded off to two decimal places at the
bottom of the beam at mid-span is ________________

63. A basement wall resists lateral pressure
exerted by soil and water. The soil pressure amounts to 4.5 kN/ for every meter
of depth below Ground Level (GL). The sub-soil water level is 1.0 m below GL and
hydrostatic pressure of water is 9.8 9.8 kN/ for every meter of depth
below GL. The total lateral pressure (in kN/ , rounded off to one decimal
place) exerted on the wall 2 m below GL is

64. Assuming that the population growth trend given in the table will continue, the
population (in persons) for the year 2031 will be

65. A developer would like to select a residential plot of 3000 for group housing in a
city. Different options with varying development controls are given. In every group
housing plot, 15% of the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) over and above the
maximum permissible FAR has to be utilized for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) units.
The maximum built up area (in available from the options given below
is _________

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