Architectural Quizzes



GATE 2012

1. ‘Agora’ was provided in Greek towns as a place of


2. The hue at the centre of the Munsell Colour Solid is


3. Which one of the following is NOT a traffic calming measure?


4. ECBC stands for


5. Age-Sex cohort for a state in India is obtained from


6. ‘Cover block’ is used as a building
construction component in


7. ‘Villa Savoye’, Paris is an example of


8. The least important measure for reducing cost of site development is


9. The role of a plasticizer in concrete is to improve


10. Which one of the following causes seismic irregularity in a building?


11. The respective lengths of shadows generated for a free standing wall of given
height L by sunlight incident at angles of 30°, 45°, 60°, 90° to the horizontal are


12. Which one of the following mode is NOT categorized as a public transit?


13. Aerial photography is a useful tool to obtain


14. Which one of the following is biodegradable?


15. The best location for laying the main sewer line on a flat land is


16. Ponding is associated with


17. Among the following, the urban open space known for its human scale is


18. The most appropriate tree for designing a smell sensory pathway is


19. Geographic Information System (GIS) combines maps with


20. ‘Glazing stop’ is used


21. Which one of the following is NOT a basic principle of designing people-friendly
urban built environment?


22. SWOT analysis is used for examining a situation’s inherent


23. A painting in a living room needs to be lighted at 250 lux. If the light is incident
normally on the painting from a distance of 6 m, then the intensity of light source
required (in candela) is


24. Total land area for a plotted housing development project is 50.0 hectare, of which,
area under community facilities, common open spaces and roads are 9%,
10 %, and 16 % respectively. Total number of saleable plots of 250 m² each will


25. A 6m long beam is fixed at its left end and is free at its right end. If a
concentrated load of 25kN acts downwards at 4m from the left end, then the
bending moment (in kNm) at the left end is


26. A classroom of 12m x 25m x 4m requires 3 air changes per hour. At an air velocity
of 2 m/s, the necessary duct cross section (in m²) is


27. If the original cost of a building is Rs. 25,00,000/- and its scrap value after 55
years is Rs.25,000/-, then its annual depreciation (in Rs.) using straight line
method is


28. For a pin jointed steel truss system, which of the following statements is TRUE?


29. Match the books in Group I with their authors in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Space, Time and Architecture 1. Jane Jacob
Q. Form, Space and Order 2. Kevin Lynch
R. The Death and Life of Great
American Cities
3. Ian McHarg
S. The Image of the City 4. Francis D K
5. Gideon S


30. Match the schemes in Group I with their specific targets in Group II
Group I Group IIP. JNNURM 1. Urban Amenities for
Rural Areas
Q. IAY 2. Infrastructure and Slum
R. PURA 3. Rural Employment
S. NREGA 4. Land Acquisition
5. Housing for BPL


31. Match the concepts in Group I with the personalities in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Linear City 1. Le Corbusier
Q. Radiant City 2. Paolo Soleri
R. Garden City 3. Louis Kahn
S. Arcology 4. Soria Y Mata
5. Ebenezer


32. Match the map in Group I with the scale in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Site Plan 1. 1: 4000
Q. Perspective
2. 1: 1000000
R. Master Plan 3. 1: 500
S. Zonal Plan 4. 1: 20000
5. 1: 2000


33. Match the terminologies of Group I with their corresponding meanings in Group
Group I
Group II
P. Antarala 1. Antechamber
Q. Mandapa 2. Palace hall
R. Gopuram 3. Womb chamber
S. Prasada 4. Gateway
5. Pillared sanctuary


34. Match the standard safety colour codes of Group I with their corresponding
usage in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Blue 1. Biodegradable
Q. Green 2. Fire protection
R. Red 3. Recyclable
S. Yellow 4. Stumbling
against hazards
5. Radiation


35. Match the projects in Group I with their architects in Group II
Group I
Group II
P. Milwaukee Art Museum,
1. Bernard
Q. Kimbell Art Museum,
2. Richard Meier
R. Getty Center, Los Angeles 3. Daniel
S. Freedom Tower, New York 4. Tadao Ando
5. Santiago


36. Match the AutoCAD commands in Group I with their corresponding program in
Group II
Group I Group II
one 1. Specify centre point of base or [3P/2P/Ttr/Elliptical]: Specify
base radius or [Diameter] < > :
Specify height or [2Point/Axis endpoint] < >:
Q. Cylinder 2. Specify centre point or [3P/2P/Ttr]:
Specify radius or [Diameter] < > :
Specify tube radius or [2Point/Diameter] < > :
phere 3. Specify centre point of base or [3P/2P/Ttr/Elliptical]:
Specify base radius or [Diameter] < > :
Specify height or [2Point/Axis endpoint/Top radius]:
orus 4. Specify centre point of base or [3P/2P/Ttr/Elliptical]: Specify radius
or [Diameter] < > :
Specify tube radius or [2Point/Diameter] < > :
5. Specify centre point or [3P/2P/Ttr]:


37. Identify the hierarchy, from highest to lowest, of the number of potential
conflict points at the unmanaged traffic intersections given below.


38. Match the architects in Group I with the terms in Group II
Group I
Group II
P Kisho
1 Paper TubesQ. Ken Yeang 2. Deconstructivism
R. Shigeru Ban 3. Metabolism
S. Mies van der
4. Eco Skyscrapers
5. Minimalism


39. Match the terms in Group I with their meanings in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Mimbar 1. Pillared assembly hall
Q. Qibla 2. Covered passage around
central courtR. Liwan 3. Pulpit
S. Baradari 4. Parapet between wall
5. Direction of Mecca


40. Match the locations in Group I with the corresponding traps in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Inspection
1. P-Trap
Q. Wash basin 2. Gully Trap
R. Bathing space 3. S-Trap
S. European water
4. Bottle Trap
5. Floor Trap


41. Match the building construction components in Group I with their application
areas in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Bracket Plate 1. Steel Column
Q. Kick Plate 2. Curtain Wall
R. Pressure Plate3. Rolling
S. Base Plate 4. Stone Wall
5. Toilet Door


42. Corrected Effective Temperature is an index which combines the effect of
P. Climatic zone
Q. TemperatureR. Wind velocity
S. Vegetation
T. Humidity
U. Solar radiation


43. The focal length of the camera (in cm) is


44. The area covered on ground (in hectare) by each photo format of 18 cm x 18
cm is


45. Quantity of water used (in kg) is


46. The area of 200 mm thick slab (in sq. m) that can be cast using the entire 10
ton of concrete will be


47. tatement for Linked Answer Questions 52 and 53:
A group housing project spread over 20 hectares with FAR 1.5 has to accommodate
different housing units in the following manner: The respective number of housing units to be built for each category are


48. tatement for Linked Answer Questions 52 and 53:
A group housing project spread over 20 hectares with FAR 1.5 has to accommodate
different housing units in the following manner: The gross density of the above housing complex (in persons per hectare) is


49. The R-value of the given wall section (in m2deg C/W) is


50. The brick wall has an overall dimension of 6m x 3m with a 1m x 2m window
assembly (U-value =2.5 W/m²degC) and a 1m x 2.1m door assembly (U-value =
1.25 W/m²degC). The overall U-value of the wall (UO) (in W/m² degC) is


51. Which one of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word given


52. Choose the most appropriate pair of words from the options given below to
complete the following sentence:
The high level of of the questions in the test was
by an increase in the period of time allotted for answering them.


53. Choose the grammatically CORRECT sentence:


54. Which one of the parts (A, B, C, D) in the sentence contains an ERROR?
No sooner had the doctor seen the results of the blood test, than he suggested
the patient to see the specialist.


55. Ten teams participate in a tournament. Every team plays each of the other
teams twice. The total number of matches to be played is


56. A value of x that satisfies the equation log x + log (x – 7) = log (x + 11) + log 2 is


57. Let f(x) = x – [x], where x ≥ 0 and [x] is the greatest integer not larger than x.
Then f(x) is a


58. Ravi is taller than Arun but shorter than Iqbal. Sam is shorter than Ravi. Mohan is
shorter than Arun. Balu is taller than Mohan and Sam. The tallest person
can be


59. A smuggler has 10 capsules in which five are filled with narcotic drugs and the
rest contain the original medicine. All the 10 capsules are mixed in a single
box, from which the customs officials picked two capsules at random and
tested for the presence of narcotic drugs. The probability that the
smuggler will be caught is


60. The documents expose the cynicism of the government officials – and yet as
the media website reflects, not a single newspaper
has reported on their existence.
Which one of the following inferences may be drawn with the greatest accuracy
from the above passage?


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