Architectural Quizzes



GATE 2011

1. Capital Town of Gandhi Nagar has been designed by


2. Rajiv Awas Yojana of Ministry of Housing, Government of India addresses housing for


3. The triangular space formed between two consecutive arches is


4. Rose Window is an iconic feature of


5. Purity of colour is defined by


6. A slab simply supported on all its edges with a ratio of longer side to shorter side greater
or equal to 2.0 is designed as


7. Entablature consists of


8. Town planned for ‘Motor Age’ refers to


9. The minimum road curb length required for parking 10 cars perpendicular to road is


10. Which of the following generate heat islands?


11. The most suitable earthquake resistant built form is


12. Transfer of Development Right (TDR) is a tool used for


13. Dandaka form of settlement layout is basically a


14. Maximum horizontal angle from the speaker in a seating area of a lecture theatre
should be


15. U- value refers to


16. Consistency of cement is measured by


17. The appropriate material for flooring of an external ramp of a building would be


18. Which of the following is not a member of a Steel Truss?


19. Identify the odd one among the following


20. Weep hole is a term used to describe


21. Busway, Busduct, and Raceway are component of


22. The difference between Wet Bulb temperature and dry bulb temperature is called


23. In India, one of the Slum Improvement initiatives is


24. Suspended floors is a structural system used in


25. Residual method of valuation is used to determine


26. Match the buildings in Group I with their Architects in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Bibliotheca Alexandria, Alexandria 1. I M Pei
Q. Institute de Monde 2. Jean Nouvel
R. Bank of China, Hongkong 3. Daniel Lebiskind
S. Jewish Museum, Berlin 4. Renzo Piano
5. Snohetta


27. A room measuring 5mx3.5 m enclosed by brick wall has a ceiling of 3 m height. The
room has a door and window opening of 1 m x 2 m and 1 m x1 m respectively. The
quantity of plastering required in the interior wall (in sqm) is


28. One cubic meter of ordinary cement yields a volume of M15 concrete in the range of


29. Match the buildings in Group I with their corresponding structural forms in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Hall of Nations, New Delhi 1. Spherical Structure
Q. Salvacao Church, Mumbai 2. Folded Plates
R. State Trading Corporation Building, New Delhi 3. Octahedral Lattice Structure
S. Matri Mandir, Auroville 4. Vierendeel Girders
5. Shell Roof Structure


30. Identify the incorrect statement.
(A) Guggenheim, Bilbao is an example of deconstructivism.
(B) Silver Abstraction is a term used for metal clad modern high rise building.
(C) Spiral Building in Tokyo has a curvilinear built form.
(D) Free building plan form is a concept given by Le Corbusier


31. Match the terms in Group I with their description in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Quoin 1. Geometric description of Universe.
Q. Stucco 2. Small Dome
R. Mandala 3. Triangular form above an opening
S. Cupola 4. Corner Stone at the angle of Buildings
5. Plaster


32. Match the Architectural style in Group I with their features in Group II
Group I Group II
P. West Asiatic 1. Arches and Pendentives.
Q. Greeks 2. Pagodas
R. Byzantine 3. Flying Buttresses
S. Japanese 4. Orders and Pediments
5. Hanging Gardens


33. Gestalt’s law of Visual Perception Do Not relate to


34. A site in a map drawn to a scale of 1: 16000 measures 75sqcm. The actual area of
the site is


35. Identify the CORRECT CAD Statements
P. SPLINE connects sequence of line segments into a single object
Q. SPLINE is a smooth curve passing through or near a given set of points.
R. PLINE creates straight line segment, Arc segment or both.
S. PLINE can be closed only when its start and end points are coincident and
T. PLINE allows adjusting the width and curvature of its multiline segment
U. SPLINE can be exploded into smaller segments.
V. PLINE can be converted into a continuous curve segment.


36. Match the eminent personalities in GROUP I with their books and Statements in
P. Kevin Lynch 1. The Fountainhead
Q. Ayn Rand 2. Small is Beautiful
R. Paul D. Spreiregen 3. Site Planning
S. E F Schumacher 4. Urban Design: Architecture of Town and Cities
5. Design of Cities


37. Match the Urban form listed in Group I with the towns listed in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Grid Iron 1. New Delhi
Q. Radial 2. Washington D.C.
R. Linear 3. CopenhagenS. Finger Plan 4. Mumbai
5. Canberra


38. Consider the following features
1. Length finely proportioned to its width.
2. Statues as silhouettes against the sky above cornice lines.
3. Fountains signifying fine vintage points
4. Series of different shapes connected by traditional narrow streets, column
screen or arches.


39. Match the instruments in Group I with their corresponding functions in Group
Group I Group II
P. Hygrometer 1. Precipitation
Q. Disdrometer 2. Vapour Pressure
R. Anemometer 3. Solar Radiation
S. Manometer 4. Relative Humidity
5. Velocity of Air


40. Match the features in Group I with the corresponding types of garden in Group
Group I Group II
P. Symmetrical layout, water cascades, entombment 1. French gardens
Q. Radial Layout, symmetrical sculpture, boulevards 2. English gardens
R. Occult Symmetry, pontoon bridges, stepping stones 3. Chinese gardens
S. Hierarchy of Courts, hierarchy of gates, zoomorphic forms 4. Mughal gardens
5. Japanese gardens


41. Arrange the following sense of enclosures in a hierarchy of decreasing order.


42. Match the elements of Group I with their corresponding type in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Fire Hydrant 1. Street Furniture
Q. Planter Beds 2. Street Hardware
R. Letter Box
S. Traffic Signs
T. Lamp Posts


43. In a Construction project Schedule A is the first activity. Activities B and C follow A.
Activity D follows B & C. Activity E Follows C. Activity F Follows D & E. The critical time to complete the project will be


44. The maintenance cost of a building will be Rs 2 lacs after 10 years. The annual sinking
fund required for such maintenance @ rate of 6 % interest per annum will be


45. Match the figures in Group I with the fixtures in Group II
Group II
1. Sink Cock 2. Bib Cock 3. Pillar Cock 4. Stop Cock


46. Match the joints in Group I with the corresponding figures in Group II
Group I
P. Butt Joint Q. Rebated JointR. Table Joint S. Tongue and Groove Joint


47. A Beam of span L is simply supported at two ends. One half span of the beam weighs W
and the remaining half span weighs 2W. Maximum shear force in the Beam will be


48. A Beam of span L is simply supported at two ends. One half span of the beam weighs W
and the remaining half span weighs 2W. Maximum Bending Moment will occur at


49. A building site has a plot of 500 sqm.
Maximum allowable height- G+7 Area to be utilized for paved access road- 10%
Maximum Ground Coverage- 40% Runoff co-efficient for paved surface- 0.9
Maximum allowable FAR- 2 Runoff co-efficient for unpaved surface- 0.3. If maximum allowable FAR is utilized, the minimum ground coverage would be


50. A building site has a plot of 500 sqm.
Maximum allowable height- G+7 Area to be utilized for paved access road- 10%
Maximum Ground Coverage- 40% Runoff co-efficient for paved surface- 0.9
Maximum allowable FAR- 2 Runoff co-efficient for unpaved surface- 0.3. If it rains for 30 min, with an intensity of 10 cm/ hour, minimum volume of rain water
that can be collected will be


51. An auditorium having volume of 4500 cum and total absorption of all acoustic material
is 480m² sabine. The reverberation time of the auditorium is


52. An auditorium having volume of 4500 cum and total absorption of all acoustic material
is 480m² sabine. To reduce reverberation time by 0.5 second, additional absorption (m² sabine)
required would be


53. A Residential sector planned over an area of 100 hectares has been divided into
various plots, each having one dwelling unit with an average household size of 5
persons. Remaining area is devoted for schools, roads, parks, shops
Plot Size No
500 sqm 500
300 sqm 500
200 sqm 1000. The gross density of the residential sector in person per hectare would be


54. A Residential sector planned over an area of 100 hectares has been divided into
various plots, each having one dwelling unit with an average household size of 5
persons. Remaining area is devoted for schools, roads, parks, shops
Plot Size No
500 sqm 500
300 sqm 500
200 sqm 1000 Assuming 20% of total population being higher secondary school going children and
expected enrolment being 80 % with per capita floor space
requirement of 5.0 sqm, then minimum land required for school
building with 40% ground coverage and FAR 0.5 would be


55. Choose the words from the options given below that is most nearly opposite in meaning
to the given word:


56. Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the
following sentence.
If you are trying to make a strong impression on your audience, you cannot do
so by being understated, tentative or _______________.


57. Choose the most appropriate word(s) from the options given below to complete the
following sentence.
I contemplated _______________ Singapore for my vacation but decided against it.


58. If Log (P) = (1/2) Log (Q) = 1/3 Log (R) then which of the following options is TRUE


59. Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word below:


60. A container originally contains 10 litres of pure spirit. From this container 1 litre of spirit is
replaced with 1 litre of water. Subsequently, one litre of the mixture is again replaced
with 1 litre of water and this process is repeated one more time. How much spirit is
now left in the container?


61. A transporter receives the same number of order each day. Currently he has some
pending orders (backlog) to be shipped. If he uses 7 trucks, then at the end of the 4th
day he can clear all the orders. Alternatively, if he uses only 3 trucks, then all
the orders are cleared at the end of the 10th day. What is the minimum numbers of
trucks required so that there will be no pending orders at the end of the fifth day?


62. The variable cost (V) of manufacturing a product varies according to the equation V= 4q,
where q is the quantity produced. The fixed cost (F) of production of same
product reduces with q according to the equation F = 100/q. How many units should be
produced to minimize the total cost (V+F)?


63. P, Q, R, and S are four types of dangerous microbes recently found in a human habitat.
The area of each circle with its diameter printed in brackets represents the growth of
single microbe surviving human immunity system within 24 hours of entering the body.
The danger on human beings varies proportionately with the toxicity, potency and
growth attributed to a microbe shown in figure below.
A pharmaceutical company is contemplating the development of a vaccine against the
most dangerous microbe. Which microbe should the
company target in its first attempt?


64. Few School curricula include a unit on how to deal with bereavement and grief,
and yet all students at some point in their lives suffer from losses through death
and parting. Based on the above passage which topic would not be included in a unit on bereavement?


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