Architectural Quizzes



GATE 2010

1. Natural granite used for cladding in Buildings belongs to the category of


2. ‘Flying Buttress’ is an architectural element of


3. A major hole in the ozone layer has been identified above the


4. A flat arch at the skewback should NOT have angle less than


5. Primary colours of natural light are


6. Horizontal member of a shutter that subdivides a window is termed as


7. If the temperature of a composite bar made of copper and steel is raised, then the
copper bar will be under


8. E. I. A. stands for


9. A steel truss with parallel upper and lower chords and inclined connecting
members forming a series of equilateral triangle is known as


10. In water supply systems, the reflux valve allows water to flow


11. In Islamic Architecture, the circular dome was
constructed over a square configuration through


12. With respect to energy conservation and cost efficiency, the nature of an ideal
built form should be


13. When shear stress exceeds the permissible limit in a RCC Slab, then this
problem is solved by


14. Considering the total heat loss from all fluorescent lamps to be 79 % the heating
load (Btu/hr) due to office illumination with 48 ceiling mounted luminaries, each
containing four, 40 W fluorescent lamps and flat surface diffusers will be


15. Prime resultant forces that develop in a structure due to an earthquake depend


16. Concept of Serial Vision has been applied to the approach layout of


17. Advance traffic lane Information is an important feature of


18. A local Authority can go for Urban Development through


19. The planning document submitted for selected cities under JNNURM is


20. Excessive tilt of the leaning tower of Pisa has been checked by


21. The Pritzker prize 2009 has been awarded to


22. The age of a tree is determined by


23. Nakagin capsule tower, Tokyo famous for its spatial modular approach was
designed by


24. Proportioning system used in the layout of Mughal Gardens is derived from


25. Match the cities in Group I with their form in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Detroit 1. Star Form
Q. Copenhagen 2. Poly Centered Net
R. Stalingrad 3. Linear City
S. San Francisco 4. Ring Form
5. Galaxy


26. Match the visionaries in Group I with their concepts in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Clarence A Perry 1. Post Modernism
Q. Constantinos Doxiadis 2. Bauhaus
R. Paul Davidoff 3. Advocacy Planning
S. Walter Gropius 4. Dynapolis
5. Neighbourhood unit


27. Match the trees in Group I with their
botanical names in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Neem 1. Castia Fistula
Q. Amaltas 2. Azadirachta Indica
R. Pipal 3. Ficus Bengalensia
S. Asoka 4. Ficus Religiosa
5. Saraca Indica


28. Following graphs represent the relationship between city size (in terms of
Population) on X- axis and area under residential use (in percent) on Y
axis. Identify the correct graph.


29. Global Climate change is expected to bring about a combination of following
changes. Identify the correct combination.
P. Increase in Biodiversity Q. Emergence of new Disease
R. Loss of Biodiversity S. Loss of all Rocky outcrops
T. Sea Level Rise U. Extinction of Polar Bear
V. Emergence of New Islands


30. Annual housing demand of a Metropolitan city is estimated through the
combination of the following components. Identify the correct combination.
P. New entrants in the city Q. Elderly Population living in the city
R. New Relocated Slum Dwellers S. Slum Squatter Dwellers
T. Unauthorized Dwelling Units U. Dilapidated Houses
V. Part of Backlog W. Any other Houses


31. A Square pin jointed truss is subjected to a load P, acting in the direction of
member US at joint U. The force in member UR is


32. Given below is the sketch plan of a site
showing contours. The broken lines show valleys and ridges. Identify the
ridges and valleys.


33. From the following, identify the factors which influence the loudness of sound to a
listener in an enclosure
P. Loudness of sound at Source
Q. Directivity Factor
R. Length/ Width Ratio of enclosure
S. Distance between Sound Source and Listener
U. Sound absorption co-efficient of all enclosing surface
V. Surface Area of enclosing surfaces
Y. Inside Temperature level of enclosure


34. Match the lamps in Group I with their Colour Rendering Index (CRI) in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Mercury Vapour 1. 65-70 Q. Metal Halide 2. 40- 55
R. High- Pressure Sodium 3. 20- 25
S. Low-Pressure Sodium 4. 60-64


35. Match the terms in Group I with the Architectural Elements in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Tympanum 1. Auditorium Stage Q. Proscenium 2. Door or Window Bands
R. Campanile 3. Circular House
S. Dymaxion 4. Church Tower
5. Horizontal Space for Services


36. Identify the most representative percentage distribution of landuse for a medium
urban centre, according to UDPFI guidelines, where Residential= R,
Commercial= C, Transport= T, Industry= I


37. If the area of a plot is 1000 sq.m, area of its adjoining roads is 500 sq.m, maximum
permissible FAR is 150 and maximum permissible ground coverage is 50%, then
utilizing fullest ground coverage and assuming floors of equal area, the number
of storey that can be built on the plot is


38. Match the buildings in Group I with their Architects in Group II
Group I Group II
P. British Council Library, New Delhi 1. Hasmukh C Patel
Q. Osho Commune Centre, Pune 2. Charles Correa
R. CII Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre, Hyderabad 3. Hafeez Contractor
S. IIM New Campus, Ahmedabad 4. Karan Grover
5. Balkrishna V Doshi


39. The age sex compositions of three communities are represented by diagrams P, Q
and R as shown below. Each of these implies a strong socio economic characteristic as indicated below.
1. Aging Community 2. Economically Vibrant Community
3. Multi Ethnic Community 4. Young Community with High Birth Rate
Identify the correct set out of the following


40. The correct requirements provided to seek permission from the local authority for
constructing small residential buildings are
P- Key Plan Q- Site Plan
R- Zonal Plan S- Building Plan
T – Power of Attorney U- Ownership Title
V – Transport Plan W – Drainage/ Sewarage/ Water Supply Plan
X – Solid Waste Disposal Plan


41. Two commands P and Q in AutoCAD are given below.
P: Current Settings: Mode = TRIM, Radius=0.0000
Select First Object or [Polyline/ Radius/ Trim/mUltiple]:
Q: {Trim Mode) Current Chamfer Dist1= 0.0000, Dist 2= 0.0000
Select First Line or [Polyline/ Distance/ Angle/ Trim/ Method/mUltiple]:
The above mentioned commands are used for


42. A T- Beam slab is cast and cured. The Shuttering has to be removed. The right
sequence of removal of shuttering is


43. Bio- climatic chart developed by Victor Olgyay shows the relationship between


44. In a display window of height H= 8.66m, of a retail store, a luminaire of intensity I
is mounted at a distance L= 5m from the rear. Its light beam is cast at an angle of 45°, from the ceiling as shown in the figure alongside.
The ratio of illumination at Points P1 and P2 is


45. Following figure shows network for a particular project consisting of four
activities. The minimum time required for completion of project is


46. Pick the ODD one from the figures given below with respect to reflection and
transmission of Light


47. A simply supported beam PQ is subjected to a load
of 100 kN through a rigid link at the centre of the beam as shown in the figure below Correct shear force diagram for the beam is


48. A simply supported beam PQ is subjected to a load
of 100 kN through a rigid link at the centre of the beam as shown in the figure below Bending moment diagram for the above beam is


49. A plot of land is to be developed as a residential neighbourhood. The key
development conditions and project requirements are given below.
Plot Area: 1.25 Hectare Maximum Permissible FAR: 350
Maximum Permissible plot coverage: 30% Maximum Permissible Height: 45 m
Density of Population = 800 ppHa Average Household size: 3.55. The total number of units under L.I.G., M.I.G. and H.I.G. respectively are


50. A plot of land is to be developed as a residential neighbourhood. The key
development conditions and project requirements are given below.
Plot Area: 1.25 Hectare Maximum Permissible FAR: 350
Maximum Permissible plot coverage: 30% Maximum Permissible Height: 45 m
Density of Population = 800 ppHa Average Household size: 3.55. With the above data, the covered area of each flat (in
sq. m) under L.I.G., M.I.G. and H.I.G. respectively are


51. Statement for Linked Answer Questions 52 and 53:
A person has purchased an old building at a cost of Rs 2,50,000/-, excluding the cost
of land. The scrap value of the building is 10% of the cost of purchase and the future
life of the building is 20 years. The total amount of sinking fund at the end of 20 years will be


52. Statement for Linked Answer Questions 52 and 53:
A person has purchased an old building at a cost of Rs 2,50,000/-, excluding the cost
of land. The scrap value of the building is 10% of the cost of purchase and the future
life of the building is 20 years. If the rate of Interest is 7%, then the annual installment of Sinking fund will be


53. 25 Persons are in a room. 15 of them play hockey, 17 of them play football, and 10
of them play both hockey and football. Then the number of persons playing
neither hockey nor football is


54. Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the
following sentence:
If we manage to __________our natural resources, we would leave a better
planet for our children.


55. The question below consists of a pair of related words followed by four pair of words.
Select the pair that best expresses the relation in the original pair.
Unemployed: Worker


56. Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word below:


57. Choose the most appropriate words from the options given below to complete the
following sentence.
His rather casual remarks on Politics ______________ his lack of seriousness
about the subject.


58. Hari (H), Gita (G), Irfan (I) and Saira (S) are siblings (i.e. brothers and sisters). All were
born on 1st January. The age difference between any two successive siblings
(accommodate is born one after another) is less than 3 years. Given the following
i. Hari’s age + Gita’s age > Irfan’s age + Saira’s age
ii. The age difference between Gita and Saira is 1 year. However, Gita is
not the oldest and Saira is not the youngest.
iii. There are no twins
In what order were they born (oldest First)


59. 5 skilled workers can build a wall in 20 days; 8 semi skilled workers can build a
wall in 25 days; 10 unskilled workers can build a wall in 30 days. If a team has
two skilled, 6 semi skilled and 5 unskilled workers how long will it take to build
the wall?


60. Modern warfare has changed from large scale clashes of armies to suppression of
civilian populations. Chemical agents that do their work silently appear to be suited to
such warfare; and regretfully there exist people in military establishment who think that
chemical agents are useful tools for their cause.Which of the following statements best sums up the meaning of the above


61. Given digits 2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4 how many distinct 4 digit numbers greater than 3000
can be formed ?


62. If 137 +276 =435 how much is 731 +672 ?


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