Architectural Quizzes



GATE 2006

1. Autobahn is


2. The fire rating of reinforced glass doors is expressed in


3. The ‘Hall of Nations’ in Pragati Maidan at New Delhi is essentially a three dimensional
space frame with the basic unit of


4. In a pitched truss, the two vertical web members set at equal distances from the apex
are called


5. The international charter guiding conservation of historic buildings and areas
is the


6. The command for reading inputs in C programming language is


7. The Pritzker Award recipient for the year 2005 is


8. For comfort air-conditioning in Summer, the optimum wet bulb temperature is


9. The neo-classical movement in the 18th century began as a reaction against


10. The cubical content of a cement bag of 50.0 kg is generally


11. Among the following brick paving patterns, the diagonal directional motif is prominent is


12. The emission during start up and shut down operations of industrial plants is called


13. The predominant architectural style of Antonio Gaudi’s works is


14. In barrier free design, non ambulatory


15. In urban scale, dark objects seen against lighter backgrounds appear to


16. In an ecosystem, Heterotrophs refers to organism that


17. Cove lighting is a type of indirect lighting focused


18. In contour analysis, ‘no cut no fill’ line


19. A sewage treatment unit that works on the principle of anaerobic decomposition of
organic matter is called


20. The science of acquiring information about the earth’s surface without actually being in
contact with it is termed as


21. The essential components of Buddhist Stupa architecture are


22. Match the cities in Group I with the planning concepts in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Radburn 1. Linear city
Q. Broadacre 2. Sectoral Plan
R. Chandigarh 3. Town of the motor age
S. Letchworth 4. Garden city


23. The three qualities defining our perception of chromatic light are


24. Match the items of building works in Group I with their units of measurement in Group
Group I Group II
P. Brickwork 1. Square metre
Q. Steel work 2. Running metre
R. Plastering 3. Tonne
S. Nosing 4. Cubic metre


25. The basic elements of Ekistics are


26. The de Stijl movement in architecture was characterized by


27. Match the illustrations in Group I with the types of roof in Group II
Group I
Group II
1. Gable roof 2. Rainbow roof 3. Gambrel roof 4. Hip roof


28. A line segment PQ is divided into two parts using the Golden Mean ratio. Segment A is
smaller than segment B. The only relationship that holds true for the line PQ is


29. A typical fire fighting underground static tank for a 20 m high building should have a
pump capacity of


30. The first four terms of a Fibonacci series are 1, 1, 2, 3, ……The sixth term of the
series will be


31. Two loading diagrams P and Q are shown. Their corresponding maximum Bending
Moments (P and Q respectively) are


32. Match the city planners in Group I with the planning theories in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Patric Geddes 1. Mental map theory
Q. Gorden Cullen 2. Cities in transition
R. Kevin Lynch 3. Diagnostic approach to planning
S. Lewis Mumford 4. Serial vision


33. Urban renewal is best explained as


34. In a rectangular room of length 4 m and width 3 m, an electric bulb is to be fixed above
the working plane. If the room index is 1, the ideal mounting height of the bulb from the
floor should be


35. Match the architectural terms in Group I with their descriptions in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Trombe wall 1. A black water filled vessel absorbing solar radiation
Q. Brise-soleli 2. Glass enclosed space for sun bathing
R. Drum wall 3. Glass- front masonry absorbing solar radiation
S. Solarium 4. Screen to shield the interiors from sunlight


36. The three components of Christaller’s theories of settlement system are


37. Match the valuation terms in Group I with their descriptions in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Scrap value 1. Value at the end of the utility period
Q. Salvage value 2. Value in present transaction
R. Market value 3. Value of dismantled material
S. Book value 4. Value after deducting the depreciation


38. Match the urban forms Group I with their descriptions in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Satellite 1. Urban centre around large open space
Q. Constellations 2. Urban form around a main centre
R. Ring 3. Similar sized urban centres in close proximity
S. Radio centric 4. Circular form with radial corridors


39. Match the arches in Group I with their names in Group II
Group II
1. Segmental 2. Equilateral 3. Flat 4.Semi- circular


40. The correct chronological sequence of the following buildings is


41. The components of energy embodied in a building material are
(P) Obtaining government approval for quarrying
(Q) Quarrying of the raw material
(R) Transporting the raw material to the manufacturing unit
(S) Manufacturing the building material


42. Territoriality refers to a behavioural setting or space that
P. A person will personalize, mark, own and defend
Q. Moves with the person
R. Oscar Newman conceptualized as Defensible Space
S. Deals with encroachment


43. Match the valves in Group I with their functions in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Gate valve 1. Prevents water flow back in the opposite direction
Q. Air valve 2. Regulates flow of water
R. Scour valve 3. Completely empties the pipe for inspection/ repair
S. Reflex valve 4. Ensures safety of pipe against collapse


44. The most appropriate hierarchy of roads in an urban area is


45. Match the structural systems in Group I with the force distribution pattern in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Flying Buttress 1. High tensile strength
Q. Catenary 2. Outward and downward thrust
R. Simply supported truss 3. Comprehensive, tensile and shear stresses acting in the
plane of the surface
S. Shell 4. Axial tension and compression


46. Match the survey questions regarding water supply in Group I with their scaling types in
Group II
Group I Group II
P. Is the water supply sufficient? 1. Ordinal
Q. How is the quality of water ? 2. Nominal
R. What is the quantity of water supply/ day? 3. Interval


47. Determine the correctness of the following Assertion [a] and Reason [r]
[a] : In cold climate while glazing can act as a heat trap, it can also cause significant
losses at other times.
[r] : Since glass has a very low U- value, conductive heat loss takes place during night.


48. Two 50 cm cubes of concrete are cast in a Building Materials Testing Laboratory, one of
grade M15 and the other M20. The specified characteristic compressive strength of the
stronger block at 28 days will be


49. Match the plants in Group I with their prime uses in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Bignonia magnifica 1. Grass cover
Q. Ixora chinensis 2. Wall climbers
R. Cassia fistula 3. Topiary
S. Wedelia trilobata 4. Arboriculture


50. In decision making theory, a mathematical model is represented as Y= a.Xb.Z c where


51. For natural illumination, Daylight factor is defined as the sum of


52. Match the components of travel demand in Group I with the forecasting models in
Group II
Group I Group II
P. Trip Generation 1. Multinomial Logit model
Q. Trip Distribution 2. Minimum Tree search
R. Mode choice 3. Gravity Model
S. Trip Assignment 4. Regression model


53. For a two way RCC slab, the Length to Width (L/W) ratio should be


54. Match the architects in Group I with their architectural works in Group II
Group I Group II
P. A. P. Kanvinde 1. Gandhi Labour Institute, Ahmedabad
Q. Anant Raje 2. IIFM, Bhopal
R. B V Doshi 3. Balotra City Hall, Balotra
S. U C Jain 4. NDDB Building, New Delhi


55. Low COD to BOD ratio of an organic pollutant represents


56. Match the types of pipes in Group I with their functions in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Soil pipe 1. Carries liquid that does not include human excreta
Q. Waste pipe 2. Provides flow of air to or from drainage system and also escape of foul
R. Vent Pipe 3. Preserves the water seal of traps through access to atmospheric air
S. Anti- siphonage pipe 4. Carries liquid waste including human excreta


57. The distance between two points on a map of scale 1: 40,000 is 3.6 cm. The distance
between the same two points in an aerial photograph is 6
cm. The scale of the aerial photograph is


58. Match the colour schemes in Group I with their positions in the Colour Wheel in
Group II
Group I Group II
P. Complementary colours 1. Forming an equilateral triangle
Q. Analogous colours 2. A radial segment R. Monochromatic colours 3. Adjacent to each other
S. Secondary colours 4. Opposite sides of each other


59. The figure shows the Mass Curves of supply and demand for an Elevated Storage
Reservoir (ESR). The minimum required capacity of ESR is given


60. Match the architectural styles in Group I with their features in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Greek 1. Hypostyle hall
Q. Buddhist 2. Triumphal Arch
R. Roman 3. Parthenon
S. Egyptian 4. Chaitya hall


61. The correct sequence of stages in the building construction process is


62. A camera is used to shoot an aerial photograph from a flight. The scale of the
photograph is 1: 40000. If the flying height above mean sea level is 7500 m, and the
mean ground level is 1500 m, then the focal length of the camera lens is


63. Match the land use in Group I with the prime activities in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Commercial 1. Crematorium and burial grounds
Q. Public and semi- public 2. Truck terminals
R. Recreational 3. Hotels
S. Transport 4. Parks and gardens


64. The Census of India defines ‘Urban Area’s an area with minimum
P. Population of 5000
Q. Population of 10000
R. 75 % of population engaged in non- agricultural activities
S. 75 % of male population engaged in non- agricultural activities
Density of 400 persons per sq. km
U. Density of 400 persons per hectare


65. In a multipurpose hall, 30 tube lights of 40 W each are switched on for 5 hours. The
electric meter will record a power consumption of


66. Match the architects in Group I with their design philosophies in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Frank Lloyd Wright 1. Less is bore
Q. Robert Venturi 2. House is a machine for living
R. Mies van der Rohe 3. Less is more
S. Le Corbusier 4. Organic Architecture


67. In a linear regression model, R² = 0 indicates


68. Match the properties of illumination in Group I with their units in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Luminous Intensity 1. Lambert
Q. Illumination 2. Candela
R. Luminous flux 3. Lumen
S. Luminance 4. Lux


69. Le Corbusier’s ‘Five Points of a New Architecture’ are
P. Pilotis S. Free facade T. Louvres
Q. Ribbon windows T. Roof gardens W. Free plan
R. Ornamental grills U. Sloping roofs


70. Match the architectural styles in Group I with the buildings in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Metabolism 1. Humana Building, Kentucky
Q. Post Modernism 2. Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao
R. Brutalism 3. Sony Tower, Tokyo
S. Deconstructivism 4. United dè Habitation, Paris


71. A town with an area of 340 hectares has 15, 000 households. The number of
occupied dwelling units is 12,400 of which 15% are dilapidated condition. 5 % of the
households are below poverty line and unable to afford any type of dwelling. (Note:
Dwelling Unit = DU). The present density of the town (in DU/ acre) is approximately


72. A town with an area of 340 hectares has 15, 000 households. The number of
occupied dwelling units is 12,400 of which 15% are dilapidated condition. 5 % of the
households are below poverty line and unable to afford any type of dwelling. (Note:
Dwelling Unit = DU). The housing need of the town is approximately


73. A town with an area of 340 hectares has 15, 000 households. The number of
occupied dwelling units is 12,400 of which 15% are dilapidated condition. 5 % of the
households are below poverty line and unable to afford any type of dwelling. (Note:
Dwelling Unit = DU). The housing demand of the town is approximately


74. The population for an urban area for the period 1971- 2001 is given in the following
Year Population in ‘000s Increase in % increase in
Population in ‘000s Population
1971 80 . The projected population (in thousands) for 2021 using Arithmetic Increase method is
1981 95 15 18.75
1991 115 20 21.05
2001 140 25 21.74


75. The population for an urban area for the period 1971- 2001 is given in the following
table: The projected population (in thousands) for 2021 using Arithmetic Increase method is


76. The projected population (in thousands) for 2021 using Geometric Increase method is


77. While testing the strength of a steel beam, it is found that
Poisson’s ratio for steel = 0.3 and Young’s modulus of Elasticity = 2.1 x 106. If the lateral strain of the beam is 1 unit, the longitudinal strain will be


78. While testing the strength of a steel beam, it is found that
Poisson’s ratio for steel = 0.3 and Young’s modulus of Elasticity = 2.1 x 106. The longitudinal stress for the same steel beam will be approximately


79. Every glazing material (e.g. glass) has three properties which define its functioning:
– Reflectivity (coefficient = R)
– Transmissivity (coefficient = T)
– Absorptivity (coefficient = A) . The relationship that holds true for the thermal performance of glass is


80. Every glazing material (e.g. glass) has three properties which define its functioning:
– Reflectivity (coefficient = R)
– Transmissivity (coefficient = T)
– Absorptivity (coefficient = A). If for glass, R = 0.6 and T = 0.1, A will be equal to


81. In a PERT network analysis, an activity is likely to have:
– optimistic duration of 2 days
– pessimistic duration of 7 days
– modal duration of 3 days. The expected time duration that may be allocated in a PERT scheduling would be


82. In a PERT network analysis, an activity is likely to have:
– optimistic duration of 2 days
– pessimistic duration of 7 days
– modal duration of 3 days. If the same activity has a free float of 2 days then the maximum time that may be
allocated to it without hampering the start of the succeeding activity is


83. A brick wall 4 m long, 3 m high and 30 cm wide has a door opening of clear span 1 m
and clear height 2.1 m. The door opening has a flat stone arch over it of thickness 20cm and width 30 cm, subtending an angle of 60º at the centre. The volume of stone work (in cu. M) in the arch is


84. A brick wall 4 m long, 3 m high and 30 cm wide has a door opening of clear span 1 m
and clear height 2.1 m. The volume of brick work (in cu. M) in the wall is approximately


85. A transportation engineer notes that a vehicle approaches an intersection at a
velocity of 44 m/s. At time t = 0, it began to decelerate at d = 16 m/s2. The time taken by the vehicle to come to a complete stop will be


86. A transportation engineer notes that a vehicle approaches an intersection at a
velocity of 44 m/s. At time t = 0, it began to decelerate at d = 16 m/s2. The total distance travelled by the vehicle from the initial point of deceleration to the
stopping point is


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