Architectural Quizzes



GATE 2005

1. Early Aryan civilization is characterized by


2. Indus valley development is specially known for


3. Housing backlog means


4. The prefabricated housing project ‘Habitat’ was designed by


5. Buckling of steel column is associated with the stress due to


6. Belt truss is used in High-Rise buildings with a view to provide


7. The sampling rate for household survey of a town with 2 lakhs population is


8. Identify the most appropriate set that relates to Physical Infrastructure


9. Urban design theory that deals with analysis of relationship between building mass and
open space is


10. Micro- climate refers to


11. Albido refers to


12. Origin and destination survey helps in identifying


13. Water harvesting is


14. Millowners’ Association Building in Ahmedabad was designed by


15. Bahai temple in Delhi is a


16. The leaning tower of Pisa was prevented from further leaning by


17. A building is referred to as an ‘Intelligent Building’ primarily due to its capability to
automatically provide
services in terms of


18. The use of Police Power is most appropriately related to


19. The value of runoff coefficient C in Q= CIA that represents a completely impervious
and wetted surface from which there is a total runoff is


20. The role of government agencies in the field of housing started changing since 1970s
in the following way


21. A contour line is


22. The 74th Constitutional Amendments empowers


23. The best example of synthesis between Indo- Aryans and Dravidian stylistic features in
a temple is


24. Urushringa is the design component used in shikhara of one of the following temple


25. Development that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of
the future
generations to meet their own need is


26. Shell structures derives its strength primarily from its


27. The primary role of braces in a High- Rise building is to


28. Weep holes refer to


29. A structural device called pendentive is used in


30. The dome of Gol Gumbaj at Bijapur is supported by


31. Match the type of buildings in Group 1 with their type of foundation in Group 2
Group 1 Group 2
P Single storeyed 1 Isolated footing
Q Three storeyed 2 Raft foundation
R 5 to 8 storeyed 3 Pile foundation
S 10 storeyed and above 4 Well foundation


32. Match the figures Group 1 with the concepts in Group 2
P 1 Christaller’s concept Q 2 Garden City concept
R 3 Multiple nuclei concept
4 Radburn concept


33. Match the appropriate noise level in Group 2 with the building types in Group 1.
Group 1 Group 2
P Radio and TV Studios 1 35- 40 dB
Q Industry 2 40- 45 dB
R Hospitals and auditoria 3 25- 30 dB
S Court rooms & class rooms 4 70- 75 dB
5 50- 55 dB


34. Match the period/ style in Group 1 with their most significant contribution in the progress
of Architecture in Group 2.
Group 1 Group 2
P Egyptian 1 New bonding material
Q Greek 2 Building skeleton and skin
R Roman 3 Trabeation
S Gothic 4 Optical corrections


35. A sector has a gross area of 65 hectares and a residential area of 50 hectares. If net
residential density is 325 pph, what is the gross density of the sector?


36. If the height of the building is h and the distance of
viewing is d, then distance relation ratio is given
by h:d. Watch the h:d in Group 1 with their
characteristics in Group 2.
Group 1 Group 2
P 1:1 1 Tend to see object as an edge
Q 1:2 2 Tend to notice details more than facade
R 1:3 3 Tend to see objects as a whole together
with its details
S 1:4 4 Tend to see objects in relation to
surrounding objects


37. Match Auto Cad system variables in Group 1
with their functions in Group 2.
Group 1 Group 2
P Mirrtext 1 Sets drawing units
Q Measurement 2 Mirrors the text object
R Hidetext 3 Sets units for angle
S Aunits 4 Controls how mirror command reflects
5 Controls the visibility of text
commands during hide
6 Hides the text objects
7 Measures the distance between two points


38. The correlation between population size of cities
and area under residential use is depicted by the
curves A, B, C, D. Choose the correct one.


39. To describe the traffic characteristics of a city, show how you would identify the
volume of
Group 1 Group 2
P Peak hour traffic 1 By quantifying traffic that stops
Q Through traffic 2 By determining the maximum hourly traffic volume
R Terminating traffic 3 By observing the traffic that does not stop inside the city


40. Match the typology of gardens in Group 1 with their typical features in Group 2.
Group 1 Group 2
P Mughal Garden 1 Moss, manicured trees, rocks, water
Q Italian Garden 2 Cycle tracks, meandering walkways, benches
R Japanese Garden 3 Sculpture of pretty nymphs, angels, fountains
S City Forest 4 Geometric floral patterns, flowing water, stone Shelters.


41. Choose TWO abbreviations from the following that are very commonly used in
transportation planning.


42. Find the correct matches in the given list of architectural entities and the architectural
style/ period
Group 1 Group 2
P Temple 1 Mohenjo-Daro
Q Public Bath 2 Greek
R Agora 3 Roman
S Granary 4 Mayan


43. Match the shape of the age- sex pyramid and their interpretations.
P Q R S 1. City offers high employment opportunity2. City’s population is aging
3. City has poor employment opportunity
4. City has young population


44. A plot of land measuring 25 m x 40 m has a Ground+4 storeyed building with uniform
floor areas. If the land has been utilized to its fullest, and FAR is 250, calculate the
permissible ground coverage.


45. Choose the two most appropriate design approaches that signify Laurie Baker’s work.
P Recycling of materials
Q Imaginative use of bricks in construction
R Innovative construction methods to save cost
S New vocabulary in indigenous construction


46. A two colour / tone colour scheme is proposed for an office building. Which is the most
appropriate set of combinations between the desired effect and the colour scheme?
Group 1 Group 2
P Contrasting 1 Complementary colours
Q Formal 2 Extreme grey values
R Neutral 3 Light colours


47. The efficiency of a modern housing scheme can be best accessed by
P Efficient planning of a dwelling unit
Q Better carpet area ratio
R Imported finishes and textures
S Good general common facilities
T Good landscaping


48. A tract of land having a concave slope implies that


49. Given below is a sketch plan of a hilly site and two points to be connected by road.
Select the best road alignment. Contour interval is 2 m.


50. Select the most appropriate sequence of the major
spaces in a Hindu temple


51. Identify the devices from Group 1 that prevent sliding of truss roof components
in Group 2
Group 1 Group 2
P Screw 1 Battens
Q Bolt 2 Purlins
R Wall plate 3 Rafters
S Cleat 4 Struts


52. Choose the most appropriate set of facilities to be provided at the Sector level for
about 20,000 inhabitants in a town of 3,25,000 inhabitants.
P High School Q College
R Play field S Shopping centre
T Civic Centre


53. In different climatic zones, different set of devices are used to achieve comfort in a
dwelling. Choose the most appropriate set.
Group 1 Group 2
P Warm and Humid 1 Thick walls
Q Hot and dry 2 Central Courtyard
R Composite 3 Thin walls
4 Small openings
5 Good ventilation
6 Evaporative cooling


54. Which of the following characterize Fatehpur Sikri ?
P Urban design in Mughal era
Q City without roads
R Fine marble carvings
S Synthesis of Hindu and Islamic architectural styles
T Well laid out gardens


55. Match the type of traps in Group 1 with their configuration in Group 2
Group 1 Group 2
P P- trap 1 Outlet is at 60 deg to the inlet
Q Q- trap 2 Outlet is parallel to inlet
R S- trap 3 Outlet is at 45 deg to the inlet
4 Outlet is at 90 deg to the inlet


56. Match the properties of soil in Group 1 with their characteristics in Group 2
Group 1 Group 2
P Permeability 1 Load which a soil is able to support
Q Shear strength 2 Susceptibility to erosion.
R Bearing capacity 3 The ease with which water can flow through soil .
S Ph level 4 Determines the stability of a soil and its ability to resist failure under
5 Shows the ability of the soil to support plant grow.
6 Angle at which an unconsolidated soil will naturally slope


57. Match the AutoCad commands in Group 1 with their functions in Group 2
Group 1 Group 2
P Xline 1 Create solid
Q Bhatch 2 Moves object about a 3-dimensional axis
R Cutclip 3 Creates an infinite line
S Revolve 4 Associative hatch pattern
5 Erase the last drawn line
6 Copies object to the clipboard
7 Non- associative hatch pattern
8 copies object to the clip board and removes the object from the drawing


58. Match the type of land use in Group 1 with their most appropriate colour code in
Group 2.
Group 1 Group 2
P Residential 1 Purple
Q Industrial 2 Yellow
R Recreational 3 Blue
S Transportation 4 Green
5 Gray
6 Red


59. Find out which of the following are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) and then choose the correct
Group 1 Group 2
P Housing loan amount is determined by repayment capacity 1 True
Q The period of repayment of housing loans is never more than 7 years 2 False
R In the villages, loans for house buildings is still taken from private sources S Housing loan packages are available From LIC, HUDCO, HFDC, CPWD &


60. 1750 square meters of a water body having as total surface area of 14,000 square
meters is covered with water hyacinth. Assuming the weed grows at GP rate every 24
hour, in how many days the water body will totally covered ?


61. Match the quotations in Group 1 with their authors in Group 2.
Group 1 Group 2
P Form follows functions 1 Albert Einstein
Q Imagination is more important than knowledge 2 Winston Churchill
R Form follows climate 3 Louis Sullivan
S We shape buildings thereafter they shape us 4 Charles Correa


62. Referring to the Figure below, select the valid combination of symbols representing he
parameters given below. Group 1 Group 2
P shearing force at point A 1 Maximum value
Q shearing force at point B 2 Positive value
R shearing force at point C 3 Negative value
S bending moment at point A 4 Zero
T bending moment at point B
U bending moment at point C
V Torsion at point A


63. Identify the most appropriate sequence of process used for treatment for waste water.


64. A plot of land under development is located in a rocky area without any public sewerage
system. Identify the most appropriate combination for sewage disposal for the
proposed development.
P Septic tank
Q Soak pit
R Anaerobic filter
S Oxidation ditch


65. Match the elements of imageability with their most appropriate characteristics.
Elements Characteristics
P Node 1 Strategic foci into which observer can enter.
Q District 2 Act as lateral reference and often path as well.
R Landmark 3 Area of homogeneous character recognized by clues.
S Edge 4 Singularity, contrast with its context, Observor does not enter in.


66. The Bio- climatic chart defines comfort zone in terms of
Q Effective Temperature (ET)
R Relative Humidity
S Heat Stress Index


67. Match the items from Group 1 with the appropriate items in Group 2
Group 1 Group 2
Town Planning Scheme 1 Additional FAR gained to the per if he provides public
amenities / spaces
Q Transferable Development Rights 2 A legal procedure that allows pooling of lands
by owners, preparation
of layout and redistribution of final plots.
R Incentive Zoning 3 Allows the plot owner to transfer the FAR/ FSI on the area of
plot, surrendered to the local authority, to another plot.


68. Match the housing programmes in Group 1 with their key features in Group 2
Group 1 Group 2
P KIP of Indonesia 1 Participatory, stress on young beneficiaries education
Q MHP of Sri Lanka 2 Participatory, beneficiaries contributed land.
R Orangi Project of Pakistan 3 Employment generative, tenureship to beneficiaries,
in situ
S CDP of Hyderabad, India 4 Flexible assistance, tenureship to beneficiaries, in situ


69. Match the names of the trees in Group 1 with the shape of their leaves in Group 2.
Group 1
P Ficus religiosa
Q Cassia fistula
R Delonix regia
S Polyalthia Longifolia


70. Match the orders of Architecture in Group 1 with their most appropriate symbolic
expression in Group 2.
Group 1 Group 2
P Doric 1 Floral
Q Ionic 2 Most Decorative
R Corinthian 3 Masculine S Composite 4 Feminine


71. Referring to the structure shown in figure below, the maximum Shearing force in the
beam is at point


72. Choose the correct set of factors of physical planning to be placed at the vertex of
Geddesian Triangle.
P Development
Q Area
R Function
S Node
T Linkage


73. Match the traffic problems in Group 1with their solutions in Group 2.
Group 1 Group 2
P Goods traffic serving city causing 1 Build an elevated road linking
accidents during day time entry and exit to city
Q Traffic jam along a major road 2 Install synchronized signaling
alignment during peak hours during peak hour
R Through traffic constituting major 3 Provide separate lane for slow mode
share of city road space 4 Restrict entry of HTVs to late night hours only
S Slow and fast mode creating much
traffic confusion


74. Match the beneficiaries of housing in Group 1 with type of housing in Group 2.
Group 1 Group 2
P Post disaster homeless families 1 Self financing apartments
Q Slum dwellers under eviction notice 2 Prefabricted portable housing
R Middle income governments employee 3 HIG cooperative apartments S NRIs
wishing to return 4 Site and
services scheme


75. Match the type of floats in Group 1 with their characteristics in Group 2.
Group 1 Group 2
P Total float 1 Excess of minimum available time over the activity time
Q Free float 2 Excess of maximum available time over the activity time
R Independent float 3 Excess of available time over the the activity time when all jobs
start as early as possible.


76. In Key Indicator Survey, the proxy variables for municipal efficiency are
(P) New construction (Q) Frequency of garbage removal
(R) Electricity Consumption (S) Amount spent on salary / wages of municipal workers


77. The density of a sector is 50 DU per ha. and household size is 5 persons per DU. Find
out the population of a sector having an area of 300 ha.


78. If per capita demand of water for various population size is
1. up to 20,000: 100 lit/capita/day
` 2. 20,000 – 50,000 110 lit/capita/day
3. 50,000- 2,00,000 120 lit/capita/day
4. 2,00,000 and above 140 lit/capita/day
Calculate the daily water demand for the sector.


79. The flying height of the plane is 2500 m above MSL and the elevation of the terrain is
500 M. Assuming a camera lens of 210 mm focal length, calculate the scale of the
photograph. (to the nearest ten).


80. If a tract of land measures 2.5 cm x 4.5 cm in the photograph, calculate its area in


81. An auditorium of size 30m x 20m is 8 m high. Assuming optimum reverberation time of
1.2 seconds and existing absorption power of the hall as 300 m²-sabins, calculate the
extra absorption units required.


82. Extra absorption units in the above auditorium can be achieved by using indigenous
acoustical materials. If the area available for fixing acoustical materials is 580 sq. m, of
which 40 sq. m. are openings covered with heavy curtains. The absorption coefficients
of curtains is 0.50. Identify a single acoustical material for the remaining area.


83. A city had a population of 2,50,000 persons in 2001 with a growth rate of 2% p.a. and
occupied an area of 1500 ha. Estimate the projected population for the year 2010.
Estimate the additional land requirement for the year 2010 assuming an average town
density of 100 ppha.


84. If the existing land use under residential and commercial are 970 ha and 105 ha
respectively, and the proposed land use under residential and commercial are 52 %
and 4.5 % respectively, calculate the additional land requirements under these.


85. The pin jointed truss shown in the figure below is :


86. Calculate the force in the member marked (x ).


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