Architectural Quizzes



GATE 2000

1. J. N. U., New Delhi campus has been designed by


2. Occupancy rate refers to


3. The new Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain was designed by


4. Vidhyadhar nagar was planned by


5. For Indian Metropolitan cities the quantity of solid waste accumulation per head per day is approximately


6. The maximum gradient of a ramp leading to a car park is


7. ‘Less is Bore’ is propagated by


8. Turbidity of water is due to


9. The only architect-president of a nation was


10. The Pruitt housing project in St. Louis failed because of


11. To ensure comfort condition inside the room, the temperature and relative humidity values should preferably be


12. Intensity of colour refers to


13. As per the National Building Code the minimum area of a habitable room is


14. The most commonly used disinfectant for purification of municipal water is


15. In completion of a project, Critical path is one which requires


16. With every doubling of distance from source the noise level will reduce by


17. Indicator of poverty line denotes


18. The situation which provides the most intimate scale to an observer is, while walking along


19. The concept of Greek town planning emphasized on


20. ‘Habit’ of plants refers to


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