Architectural Quizzes



GATE 1999

1. Peristyle in architecture means


2. Washington DC. is an example of


3. SON lamps operate on the principle of discharge in


4. A method of control survey, in which a network of triangles is used, is


5. Hyperbolic paraboloid can be generated by


6. ‘Savannas’ are


7. Variability of project duration in PERT analysis is measured in terms of


8. The term Necropolis refers to


9. Phenomenon of contorted growth of trees due to unequal irradiation of light on two sides is known as


10. The total quantity of runoff of an area of 1.8 hectares in a lateritic region (runoff coefficient = 0.5 and rainfall = 10 mm/hr) is


11. The average Lux required on a pavement, having width 4 m, is 8. The mounting height of the lamp (lumen 2000) is 4 m. The spacing of the lamps (for coefficient of the utilization is 0.5 and maintenance factor is 0.8) is


12. In BOT based project, the most important evaluation criteria is


13. Addition of Decibel levels 92 dBA and 88 dBA amounts to


14. The velocity head of water supply line is measured in terms of


15. ‘After-image’ in visual perception is


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