Architectural Quizzes



GATE 2007

1. Ramsar list is related to


2. Hazen’s-William’s nomogram is used to calculate


3. A woonerf is a


4. In urban planning, cohort refers to


5. The project Habitat, Montreal, designed by Moshe Safdie is an example of


6. The degree of freedom of a joint in a plane truss is


7. A brick cut lengthwise into two pieces so that each piece is half as wide as the full


8. The strength of concrete increases with


9. The point of contraflexure is the point where the


10. When wind loads are accounted for in the design of structures, the permissible
stresses in the material are increased by


11. The term coined by Paolo Soleri that combines ecology with architecture and deals
with habitats maintaining an extremely high population density is


12. A dislocation of continuity in rock strata as a result of cracking of the earth’s crust is


13. LEED is the internationally accepted rating system for


14. An architect of the Chicago School movement is


15. Surkhi is obtained by grinding


16. Hemadpanthi style of temples belongs to


17. A building in which the roof is perfectly hemispherical on the inside and a shallow
dome on the outside is


18. National Science Centre at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, is designed by


19. In Islamic architecture, the device used for placing a perfect circular dome over a
square plan is called a


20. Parallel sound rays incident on a convex surface of a fibre-board will


21. Match the architect-nlanners in Group I with their contributions in Group II.

Group | Group II

P. Hippodamus 1. City Beautiful
Q. Michelangelo 2. Star-shaped plan
R. Leon Battista Alberti 3. Grid iron plan
S. Daniel Burnham 4. Campidoglio


22. The characteristics of Japanese gardens are

P. Stepping stones S. Miniature symbolic elements
Q. Stone lanterns T. Stone water basins

R. Octagonal geometry U. Monumental scale


23. Match the styles of architecture in Group [I with the elements in Group II.

Group | Group II

P. Khajuraho 1. Star-shaped Garbhagriha
Q. Dravidian 2. Gopuram
R. Hoysala 3. Pyramidal Roof
S. Himalayan 4. Urushringa


24. A site has a uniform slope of 6 %. The site map has
seven contour lines with the elevation of highest contour as + 53 meters. If the distance
between the mid point of highest and lowest contours is 700 metres, then the contour interval in metres is


25. Match the statements about thermal comfort in Group I with True/False in Group

Group | Group Il
P. Low capacitance materials should be used to store heat gain 1. True
Q. Stack effect depends on temperature difference between 2. False
indoor and outdoor air
R. Venturi effect is a passive cooling technique
S. Wind breaks are used to maximize winter wind turbulence


26. A person standing at a point in a public plaza is observing ‘a facade of height 40
metres from a distance of 120 metres. The sense of enclosure experienced by the
person is equivalent to the limits of


27. Match the Urban Planning Theories in Group I with their proponents in Group II.

Group | Group II

P. Sector Theory 1. Walter Christaller
Q. Multiple Nuclei Theory 2. Clarence Perry
R. Neighbourhood Theory 3. Ebenezer Howard
S. Central Place Theory 4. Harris & Ullman
5. Homer Hoyt


28. The plan of a residential area with small houses on small plots has an urban fabric


29. Match the ‘Change Properties’ command in AutoCAD (Group I) with the actions
(Group II) it can perform on a given dashed line.

Group | Group II
P. Elev 1 . Changes the dashed line to a non-dashed line
Q. LType 2. Changes the size and spacing of the dashes
R. Thickness 3. Changes the position along the Z axis
S. LtScale 4. Changes the width of the line on the screen
5. Changes the height along the Z axis
6. Changes the position along the Y axis


30. Match the statements on intelligent buildings in Group I with True/False in Group

Group | Group II
P. All intelligent buildings are examples of high-tech 1. True
architecture 2. False
Q. An intelligent building is synonymous with a smart building
R. An intelligent building need not deploy a building automation
S. High-tech architecture always results in intelligent buildings


31. The correct sequence of various components of a house water connection from the municipal water main is


32. The figure that will be generated by the following sequence of commands in
AutoCAD is

Command: pline

Specify start point: 0,0
Specify next point: @50,0
Specify next point: @0,-25
Specify next point: @25<180 Specify next point: c

33. A sector has a gross density of 250 persons per hectare and a net density of 400
persons per hectare. If the area of the sector is 120 hectares, then the percentage of non-residential area is


34. Match the systems of plumbing for building drainage in Group I with their
descriptions in Group II.

Group | Group II

P. One-pipe system 1. Minimum two pipes, one for soil and the other for
Q. Two-pipe system sullage
R. Single stack system 2. Single pipe for soil and sullage, and serving as vent
for all traps
3. Minimum two pipes, one for soil and sullage and
the other for vent
4. Single pipe for soil and sullage, and serving as vent
for soil traps only


35. In a plane truss, the equation in terms of m and j is used to check its determinacy and stability, where m = number of members and j = number of joints. The truss is
deficient and unstable when


36. Q.36 Match the functions in Group I with the numbers shown in the given figure of
Concentric Zone Theory by Burgess.

Group |

P. Central Business District
Q. Commuters’ Zone
R. Workingmen’s Homes 3)4)5
S. Zone of Better residences
T. Zone of Transition


37. For a PERT activity, the optimistic time, most likely time and pessimistic time are 1, 2 and 9 days respectively. The expected time for the activity (in days) is


38. Zoning regulations deal with

P. Density S. Minimum areas of rooms
Q. Land use T. Height
R. Building materials U. Reserved land areas


39. Match the temples in Group I with their distinguishing features in Group II.

Group | Group II
P. Konark 1. Golden Lily Pond
Q. Madurai 2. Sculpted Marble Ceiling
R. Dilwara 3. Twin Vimanas
S. Mamallapuram 4. Chariot
5. Torana


40. The correct sequence of generic elements in a Classical Order arranged from top to bottom is


41. Match the tree forms in Group I with their common examples in Group II.

Group | Group II
P. Broad 1. False Acacia
Q. Tapering 2. Holly
R. Conical 3. Lombardy Poplar
S. Columnar 4. Oak
5. Silver Maple


42. A town has 16,000 existing dwelling units of which 10 % are dilapidated. If the housing need is 8,700 dwellings units and the average household size is 4.5, then the population of the town is


43. Match the descriptions in Group I with the elements of Ornamentation in Group II.

Group | Group II
P. Painting on a freshly spread moist plaster surface with 1. Chiaroscuro
powdered pigments 2. Emboss
Q. Figure incised into a stone surface or a metal plate 3. Filigree
yielding an impression in relief 4. Fresco
R. Delicate or intricate design on lattice work allowing 5. Intaglio
light through openings 6. Pastiche
S. Artistic composition consisting of motifs borrowed
from different sources


44. Match the city plans in Group I with their designers in Group II.

Group | Group II
P. London 1. Eliel Saarinen
Q. Berlin 2. Kenzo Tange
R. Helsinki 3. Alvar Aalto
S. Tokyo 4. Tadao Ando
5. Martin Machler
6. Patrick Abercrombie


45. On a door opening with effective span L, the total weight (W) of an equilateral
triangle on the base L is considered as a uniformly distributed load over the span.
The bending moment for the door opening is given by


46. Match the descriptions in Group I with the traffic terminology in Group II.

Group | Group II
P. The length of a road ahead of the vehicle 1. Visibility distance
which should be visible to enable a driver to 2. Sighting distance
stop in case of an obstruction on the road 3. Overtaking sight distance

Q. Distance covered by a vehicle from the instant 4. Cross over distance
a driver sees an obstruction ahead and brings 5. Stopping distance
the vehicle to a stop

R. Distance required for a vehicle to overtake and
safely pass another vehicle moving in the same
direction but at a lower speed


47. 47Match the labels on a door
1. Jamb
2. Muntin
3. Panel
4. Rail
5. Saddle
6. Stile


48. A house was constructed 20 years ago at a cost of Rs. 1,00,000. The estimated life of the building is 50 years, at the end of which it will have a 15 % scrap value of its cost of construction. Its present value in Rupees is


49. A typical roof top Rainwater Harvesting System essentially comprises of

P. Roof catchment
Q. Down pipes
R. Rain gauge
S. Filter chamber


50. A single room of 3 metres x 5 metres enclosed by 20 cm thick walls has to be
constructed. The required foundation trench is 80 cm wide and 80 cm deep. The quantity of earthwork in excavation in cubic metres is


51. Match the architects in Group I with their works in Group II.

Group I Group II
P. Norman Foster 1. Petronas Towers
Q. Cesar Pelli 2. Kansai Airport
R. Richard Meier 3. HSBC, Hongkong
S. Renzo Piano 4. The Atheneum
5. Sydney Opera House


52. Match the parts of a tree log in Group I with their descriptions in Group II.

Group I Group II
P. Heartwood 1. Outer annual rings of the tree
Q. Sapwood 2. Thin horizontal veins radiating from the pith
R. Cambium Layer towards the bark
S. Medullary Rays 3. Outermost protective covering of the log
4. Innermost rings surrounding the pith
5. Outermost one ring between the bark and sapwood


53. The quantity of plastering in sq.m required for both sides of a wall 5.0 m x 0.30 m x
3.0m (L x B x H) with a window opening 2.0 mx 0.30 m x 1.2 m is


54. Match the urban theorists in Group I with the planning concepts in Group IL

Group I Group II

P. Patrick Geddes 1. Cities in evolution and their relationship with man
Q. Charles Abrams 2. Judicious use of technological power
R. Constantine Doxiadis 3. Role of housing in urban development
S. Lewis Mumford 4. The science of human settlements called Ekistics


55. If the reinforcement steel provided for a RCC slab of volume 15.0 cu.m. is @ 1%,
then the quantity of steel required in kilograms is


56. The Prairie House design of Frank Lloyd Wright is characterised by
P. Horizontal planes
Q. Extended roofs
R. Focal fire place
S. Steel columns
T. Vertical screen windows


57. Match the window types in Group I with their descriptions in Group II.

Group | Group I1

P. Bay window 1. Horizontal louvers pivoting simultaneously in a
Q. Pivoted window common frame
R. Dormer window 2. A sash that rotates 90° or 180° about a vertical or
horizontal axis at or near its centre
3. Projecting outward from the main wall of a
building, forming an alcove within a room
4. Vertical window projecting out of a sloping roof


58. Match the housing projects in Group I with the architects in Group II.

Group | Group II
P. Tara Group Housing, New Delhi 1. Balkrishna Doshi
Q. Marine Front Housing, Cochin 2. Charles Correa
R. Aranya Community Housing, Indore ~~ 3. Hasmukh Patel
S. Asiad Village, New Delhi 4. Kuldip Singh
5. Laurie Baker
6. Raj Rewal


59. A beam of 50 mm diameter is simply supported at both ends and has an effective span
of 6 metres. It carries two loads of 50 kN each at one-third span. The section
modulus (in cm?) of the beam at the quarter span is


60. Match the Earthquake related terms in Group I with their definitions in Group II.

Group I Group II

P. Focus 1. The geographical point on the earth’ surface

Q. Epicentre vertically above the originating source

R. Centre of Mass 2. The originating source of the seismic waves inside
S. Centre of Stiffness the earth

3. The point corresponding to the centre of gravity of a
structural system

4. The point through which the resultant of the
restoring forces of a structural system act


61. Match the architectural styles in Group I with the construction systems in Group II.

Group | Group II

P. Greek 1. Semi-circular arch
Q. Roman 2. Trabeation

R. Indian 3. Corbelling

S. Gothic 4. Pointed arch


62. For incandescent lamps the distribution of total energy emission is


63. Match the characteristics in Group I with the climate types in Group II.

Group 1 Group II,
P. High humidity accelerates rusting and rotting 1. Composite or monsoon
Q. High daytime temperature and rapid cooling at 2. Hot dry desert
night cause materials to crack 3. Hot dry maritime
R. Seasonal changes in relative humidity cause 4. Tropical Upland
rapid weakening of building materials 5. Warm humid


64. The architectural projects of the International Style are

P. Aurora House by Aldo Rossi

Q. Schroder House by Gerrit Reitveld

R. Thematic House by Jencks & Farrell

S. Tugendhat House by Mies van der Rohe
T. Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier


65. Tactile flooring with guiding blocks, an element of Barrier Free Design, is used to aid
P. ambulant disabled
Q. non-ambulant disabled
R. partially sighted
S. totally blind


66. Match the characteristics of vaults in Group I with their names in Group II.

Group I Group II

P. Uniform semi-circular cross section 1. Barrel

Q. Semi-circular cross section larger at one end than the other 2. Cloister

R. Compound vault formed by perpendicular intersection of two 3. Conical
vaults 4. Groin

S. Compound vault formed by four coves meeting along 5. Rampant
diagonal vertical planes 6. Stilted


67. A 60° segmental arch is provided over a door of 1.0 m width. The wall thickness is 30
cm and the arch thickness is 20 cm. The mean length of the arch in metres is


68. Match the statements about elevators & escalators in Group I with True/False in
Group II.
Group | Group II
P. Handling capacity of elevators for residential buildings as per 1. True
Indian standards is 7.5 % 2. False

Q. Minimum height from the top floor to the bottom of the lift
machine room should be 3,000 mm

R. Minimum width for escalators as per Indian standards is
1,000 mm

S. Recommended angle with the horizontal for escalators is 30°


69. The slenderness ratio for a cantilever prismatic column of length L with a circular cross section having radius r is


70. Match the designers in Group I with the terms in Group II Group I Group II
P. Max Dubious 1. Prefabrication
Q. Josephh Paxton 2. Domino System
R. Victor Horta 3. Minimalism
4. Vegetal ornamentation


71. 71The normal project time for the given network is


72. For the all- normal solution, the total float and free float for the activity S are


73. While crashing the project, the first step of compression would involve the activity


74. The lumen output required for the above lamp is


75. The depreciation factor for the above lamp is


76. Total capacity of septic tank in cubic metres is


77. De-sludging interval (to the nearest year) is


78. Maximum total buildable area in sq.m is


79. As per revised building bye-laws, if the required setbacks are – Front 3m, each Side 2m
and, Rear 2 metres, then the maximum total buildable area will


80. The flying height of plane above mean sea level (in meters) is


81. If the above photograph is taken by a camera lens of focal length 210 mm from the same
flying height, then the scale of the photograph will be


82. The maximum value of shear force and bending moment in the beam are


83. The maximum values of bending stress and shear
stress developed in the beam in N/mm2 is


84. The sound absorption power required in the auditorium in m2-sabines is


85. During a convocation programme in the same auditorium, the absorption power
increases by 200 m2-sabines. The reverberation time in seconds will now be


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