Architectural Quizzes



GATE 1996

1. ‘New Town Intown’ concept involves


2. An ‘Aquiclude’ is


3. If ‘a’ is the optimistic time, ‘b’ is the pessimistic time and ‘m’ is the most likely time of an activity, the expected time of the activity is


4. The most commonly used base for timber painting is


5. Absorption of sound in porus material occurs mainly due to


6. In sewers, velocity of flow should not be


7. As per Indian Road Congress the ‘Width of formation of land’ is


8. In a lecture auditorium the seating pattern from the speaker should fall within maximum angle of


9. When two pigments of contrasting value are mixed, the most striking change observed is in


10. In meandering river the location of intake point for city water supply should be


11. Number of common clay bricks required to make one cubic meter of brick masonry is


12. Sinking fund refers to


13. BASIC is a


14. Acidity of soil is indicated by


15. The unit measurement for space in urban society is


16. DIM in AutoCAD refers to


17. Sense of movement in a visual composition can be achieved by


18. Minimum strength of cement mortar used in load bearing brick masonry is


19. If ‘P’ denotes the total population, the age dependency ratio is expressed as


20. Concept of self supporting ‘Industrial Town’ was proposed by


21. Of the following types of forests, which one is least likely to be destroyed by fire


22. Workability of concrete mix with low water-cement ratio is determined by


23. In hot dry climate the form and planning of settlement should be


24. The extent of wind shadow on the leeward side is more dependent on


25. ‘Letchworth’ was designed based on the concept of


26. ‘Jharokha’ is an architectural element used in building as


27. The concept ‘Architecture as an expression of inner structure’ is attributed to


28. Psychrometric scale deals with


29. The concept of ‘La Ciudad Linear’ is associated with


30. The term ‘Megalopolis’ was coined by


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