Architectural Quizzes



GATE 1995

1. Rhythmic pattern is created by


2. Of the following type of landscape , which one produces heat- island


3. Combination of Red and Green in a colour scheme is


4. The maximum distance for recognizing faces is


5. The optimum reverberation time for public lecture halls should not exceed


6. Higher the elevation of a town above the sea level, larger the dose human population is exposed to


7. A rectangular area specified in world co-ordinates is called


8. The term Conurbation was initiated by


9. Permissible building coverage is expressed in terms of


10. F.A.R. of a an area varies with respect to


11. WBLOCK command in autocad creates


12. House near Luxor, Egypt was designed by


13. Self-help housing concept was propagated by


14. Broad acre city was proposed by


15. Desirable spacing of trees along a highway is


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