Architectural Quizzes



GATE 1991

– Thses are the questions from Gate 1991 paper.
– Each Question is of MCQ type

1. Ratio ‘Golden Mean’ is:


2. ‘Mihrab’ is found


3. Which one falls under Indo-Sarasanic architecture?


4. Which of the following is not a function of a good mulch:


5. Byzantine architecture is famous for:


6. ‘Gopuram’ refers to


7. Most efficient arch in transferring load:


8. Dimension of Corbusier’s modular human scale are in:


9. Find odd one out of the following:


10. pH value of treated domestic water supply should be between :


11. PERT is


12. Gypsum is added in cement manufacture for the property of:


13. Critical path in CPM connects the initial and end events and:


14. Maximum distance for discerning facial expression in a theatre:


15. Outer layer of timber log is


16. Sun temple of Konark predominantly built with


17. Average power output (in microwatt) of human speech in ordinary conversation is:


18. Principal determinants of a residential neighbourhood size is based on:


19. Minimum height of habitable room as prescribed in NBC :


20. Desirable housing layout of buildings from acoustic point of view is :


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