Architectural Quizzes



GATE 2009

1. The essential difference between CPM and PERT is


2. The Minimum Thickness of wall where single Flemish bond can be used is


3. On a colour wheel, the combination of ‘Violet- Yellow’ or ‘Orange- Blue’ are best
described as


4. The sudden stoppage in the flow of water in a close conduit results in a phenomena


5. The number of intersecting arches that
support Bijapur’s Gol Gumbaj is


6. The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments pertain to


7. A simply supported beam of length L carries a concentrated load of intensity P at its
centre. The bending moment at the centre of the beam will be


8. ‘Desire Lines’ are associated with


9. GRIHA is rating for green building given by


10. A ‘cul-de-sac’ is a street where


11. ‘Usonian’ houses were designed by


12. Increase in volume of fine aggregate due to
the presence of moisture is called


13. The Pattern language Theory was propounded by


14. As per IS 456:2000, the maximum area of tension reinforcement in a RCC beam shall
not exceed x% of its cross- sectional area, where x is equal to


15. ‘No-cut-no-fill’ lines are mostly used in


16. The property of concrete measured by slump test is


17. The Remote Sensing satellite that gives the highest spatial resolution is


18. Development that meets the needs of the present generation
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is
termed by UNDP as


19. The parameter that does not appear in Psychrometric chart is


20. Allowable stress in the design of a tension member in a steel truss is a function of


21. The parameters for determining Human Development Index are
P. Education attainment
Q. Per capita Gross Agricultural Produce
R. Life Expectancy
S. Per Capita Gross Domestic Produce
T. Per Capita State Domestic Produce


22. Match the individuals in Group I with the works in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Hippodamus 1. Aqueducts
Q.Vitruvius 2. Campidoglio
R. Michelangelo 3. Hagia Sophia
S. Constantine 4. Agora
5. Hanging Garden


23. If the height of facade=h, and the distance of observer from the building = d, then match
the enclosure type in Group I with their corresponding h/d ratio in Group II.
Group I Group II
P. Full Enclosure 1. 1
Q. Threshold of Enclosure 2. 1/2
R. Minimum Enclosure 3. 1/3
S. Loss of Enclosure 4. 1/4
5. 1/5


24. The correct sequence of activities in Solid Waste Management is


25. The principles of Universal design include:
(P) Flexibility in use (Q) Tolerance for error
(R) Energy Efficiency (S) Low Physical Effort


26. Match the Urban Design elements in Group I with their descriptions in Group II
Group I Group II
P. District 1. Recognizable as having some common identifying character
Q. Landmark 2. Centre of activity
R. Node 3. Network of major and minor routes
S. Pathway 4. Prominent visual feature of the city


27. A commercial plot measuring 100m x 80 m. If the permissible Floor Space Index is 3.0
and 50 % of the ground is covered, then the maximum number of floors that can be
built is


28. Match the elements of a Buddhist Stupa in Group I with their traditional names in
Group II
Group I Group II
P. Hemispherical Dome 1. Vedika
Q. Peripheral Railing 2. Anda
R. Entrance Gateway 3. Harmika
S. Portion above dome 4. Nagara
5. Chaitya
6. Torana


29. A microwave oven of 3 kW rating is operated for 30 minutes, a hot water geyser of 1 kW
rating is operated for 15 minutes, and 5 fluorescent lamps of 60 W are operated for 6
hours. The total power consumed in (kWh) will be A microwave oven of 3 kW rating is operated for 30 minutes, a hot water geyser of 1 kW
rating is operated for 15 minutes, and 5 fluorescent lamps of 60 W are operated for 6
hours. The total power consumed in (kWh) will be


30. Match the building projects in Group I with their architects in Group II
Group I Group II
P. National Olympic Stadium, Beijing 1. Rem Koolhas
Q. Glass Pyramid, the Louvre, Paris 2. Richard Rogers
R. Millenium Dome, London 3. Renjo Piano
S. Kansai Airport, Osaka 4. Tadao Ando
5. I M Pei
6. Herzog & de Meuron


31. Identify the prehistoric structures in the following:
P. Mastaba Q. Dolmen R. Menhir S. Pylon T. Stonehenge U. Thermae


32. Match the figures of cut bricks in Group I with their terms in Group II
Group I
Group II
1. King Closer
2. Queen Closer
3. Half Bat
4. Three Quarter Bat


33. A site has 6 contour lines and the length of the line joining the midpoints of the highest
contour and the lowest contour is 300 m. If the slope of the line is 1 in 10, then the
contour interval (in m) is


34. Match the plants in Group I with their corresponding examples in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Climber 1. Croton
Q. Shrub 2. Shirish
R. Tree 3. Duranta
S. Hedge 4. Bougainvillea


35. A neighbourood with a total area of 200 hectares has a gross density of 300 persons
per hectare (pph). If the residential area is 60% of the total area, then net density
(in pph) of the neighbourhood is


36. Identify the parameters used in the Hazen and William’s nomogram to calculate pipe
diameter for water supply:
P. flow rate in lit/sec Q. Pipe diameter in mm
R. Population to be served S. Head loss in mm
T. Velocity in m/s


37. Match the domes in Group I with their examples in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Dome with huge central cut out at the top 1. Pisa Cathedral
Q. Dome with slit windows at the springing level 2. St. Peters Cathedral
R. Dome with an elliptical base 3. Pantheon
S. Dome on a drum with a lantern on top 4. Hagia Sophia


38. Match the institution in Group I with their architects in Group II:
Group I Group II
P. National Dairy Development Board, New Delhi 1. B. V. Doshi
Q. National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi 2. Charles Correa
R. Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore 3. A. P. Kanvinde S. Jodhpur University, Jodhpur 4. J. A Stein
5. Raj Rewal
6. U C Jain


39. Identify the urban functions that are included under Social Infrastructure:
P. Schools and Colleges
Q. Hospitals and Clinics
R. Roads and Foot paths
S. Parks and Plazas
T. Malls and Markets
U. Community Centres


40. Match the tombs in Group I with their architectural characteristics in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Tomb of Sher Shah 1. Irregular pentagonal site plan
Q. Tomb of Ghias-ud-din Tughlaq 2. Octagonal plan
R. Humayun’s tomb 3. Gateway with four minarets
S. Akbar’s tomb 4. Persian dome


41. Match the high rise tube structural systems in Group I with their corresponding terms in
Group II
Group I
Group II
1. Framed Tube 2. Bundled Tube 3. Braced Tube 4.Perforated shell tube


42. A town with a population of 50,000 has an average household size of 5.0. The number of
occupied dwelling units is 8400 of which 10% are in dilapidated condition. The housing
demand of the town is


43. Match the items in Group I with those in Group II:
Group I Group II
P. Hypostyle Hall 1. Roman Architecture
Q. Ziggurat 2. Egyptian Architecture
R. Acropolis 3. Assyrian Architecture
S. Triumphal Arch 4. Persian dome


44. Match the planning model in Group I with their proponents in Group II
Group I Group II 1. Homer Hoyatt
2. Ernest Burgess
3. Von Thunen
4. Harris and Ullman
5. William Reilley


45. The correct sequence in the four stage model used for transportation planning is


46. Identify the objects with which the explode command in Auto CAD can be used:
P. Polyline
Q. Block
R. Multiline Text
S. Arc
T. 3-D Solid


47. Match the planning terms in Group I with their descriptions in Group II Group I Group II
P. Eminent Domain 1. Protecting the land by reassigning the rights to
one area to another
Q. Police Power 2. Regulatory Behaviour and enforcing order
within the state
R. Transfer of Development Rights 3. Protecting the individual Development
rights of a citizen
by seeking state protection
4. Inherent power of state
to seize private property without the
owner’s consent


48. A building has a rooftop area of 300 sq. m. If the avg. annual rainfall in the region is 700
mm and the Runoff Coefficient of the roof top is 0.8, then the maximum amount of
rainfall that can be harvested from the roof top (in litres) is


49. Identify Pozzolana from the following materials:
P. Cement Q. Fly- Ash R. Sand S. Surkhi


50. Match the notations in the given figure in Group A with corresponding names in Group II:
Group II
1. Intrados 2. Extrados 3. Archivolt
4. Spring 5. Rise 6. Keystone


51. The normal project duration (in days) is


52. The critical activities of the project are


53. A Seminar hall has a volume of 2,000 cu.m. and total absorption of all acoustic
materials without any audience is 80 m²-sabines. The reverberation time of the empty hall (in seconds) will be


54. A Seminar hall has a volume of 2,000 cu.m. and total absorption of all acoustic
materials without any audience is 80 m²-sabines. When the same seminar hall is filled with audience, the reverberation time is recorded as
2.0 seconds. Then the total absorption of all acoustic material (in m²-sabines) will be


55. An office has an area of 60 sq. m. with floor height of 3 m and occupancy of 5 persons.
The external wall area is 40 sq.m. which includes 4 sq.m. of double glazed windows.
The thermal transmittance rate (U) of external wall is 0.35 and window is 2.00. External
and Internal design temperatures are 34º C and 22º C respectively. The heat gain through the external walls and windows (in watts) will be


56. An office has an area of 60 sq. m. with floor height of 3 m and occupancy of 5 persons.
The external wall area is 40 sq.m. which includes 4 sq.m. of double glazed windows.
The thermal transmittance rate (U) of external wall is 0.35 and window is 2.00. External
and Internal design temperatures are 34º C and 22º C respectively. If 20lit/sec/person of air is extracted for the office, calculate the ventilation rate in terms
of air changes/hour.


57. A cantilever beam XY of 2.5 m span is supported at P and is subjected to 40 kN point
load at free end Y. If self weight of the beam is neglected, bending moment developed at the fixed end (in
kN m) is


58. A cantilever beam XY of 2.5 m span is supported at P and is subjected to 40 kN point
load at free end Y. A Uniformly distributed load (in kN /m) that will result in the same value of bending
moment at the fixed end is


59. A semi circular stone arch of thickness 30 cm is provided over an opening in a brick
wall. The wall has length 3.0 m, width 30 cm and height 3.0 m. The opening has span
1.0 m and height 2.0 m. The quantity of stone work in the semi circular arch (in cu.m) is


60. A semi circular stone arch of thickness 30 cm is provided over an opening in a brick
wall. The wall has length 3.0 m, width 30 cm and height 3.0 m. The opening has span
1.0 m and height 2.0 m. The quantity of brick work in the wall (in cu.m) is


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