Architectural Quizzes



GATE 2003

1. The Sanskrit school of Auroville is a work of


2. The Baroque city of European Renaissance and the city Beautiful Movements though separated by a period of 300 years have one of the following things in common


3. The survey of India toposheet stating 1:50,000 refer to


4. Improvement of physical condition of existing population in inner city areas is called


5. The landscape designer of Tara Group of Housing, New Delhi was


6. Mline command in AutoCAD 2000


7. In Greek structures, distyle, prostyle, and amphiprostyle are processes of


8. The proportion of Parthenon corresponds to


9. Resistance of water to the passage of light through it is the measure of


10. The term Directrix and Eccentricity are mainly connected with


11. Identify the variety of plastic used to prepare ‘Perspex’


12. The number of vehicles moving in a specified direction on a given lane and passing a
given point during a specified unit of time is called


13. The tool to recover the cost of providing new services and infrastructure is known as


14. In an urban electricity network, load factor is defined as


15. The literal meaning of Feng- shui is


16. Dhanurmusti and Dhanurgraha are basic modular units used in ancient India. They
respectively represented the twin system of


17. With respect to the contents of a base map, identify the odd one out


18. A Psychrometric chart concerns the behavior of


19. The following names are associated with the Bahaus movement


20. The sampling technique used to “select from every sub- group of population in atleast in
at least one stage of the procedure” is known as


21. Which one of the following sequences is in the correct ascending order


22. In a land use map, identify the colour code used for the manufacturing industry


23. The technique that can alter the scale of the building is


24. Buddhist and Greek elements met each other to form


25. In AutoCAD 2000, which command will allow you to select two point pairs, move, rotate
and scale the selected objects in 2D or 3D to adjust with other objects.


26. Ideal width to depth ratio of an air conditioning duct is


27. Increase in water cement ratio in concrete


28. The concept of obtaining maximum utility per unit length of road is called


29. The hanging gardens of Babylon were built in


30. Devolution of fund refers to


31. Components of Lowry model may be identified as
P transportation modes
Q basic employment
R residential population
S public utilities
T service employment


32. Assume that a camera with a 152 mm focal length lens was flown over a flat terrain
located at 1200 m above mean sea level. If the scale of the aerial photography is 1:
50,000 calculate the flying height above the terrain


33. A town of 2,25,000 population in 1981 has exhibited decadal growth rates of 25%, and
30% during 1991 and 2001 respectively. Estimate the population in 2011 having a 40 %
decadeal growth rate


34. Match the following
Group I                                                                                                  Group 2
(Category of plants)                                                                            (Region)
P. hydrophytes                                                                                     1. Semi- arid
Q. xerophytes                                                                                       2. Live on woody vegetation
R. epiphytes                                                                                          3. In or near water
S. halophytes                                                                                        4. Polar region
5. salt marshes
6. saline water


35. Hippodamus and Vitruvius pioneered in important areas of built environment. They are
famous for


36. A group housing plot of 400 sqm, abutting a 20 m road is permitted to have 35 % ground
coverage and maximum FAR of 1.25. Assuming 70 sqm of super built up area, calculate
the maximum number of units that can be accommodated


37. As speed of the vehicle increases, the driver experiences one or more of the following
P planes perpendicular to road become more prominent
Q distance of focusing point decreases
R peripheral vision increases
S foreground details begin to fade
T importance of the roadside treatment decreases


38. The ‘caryatid’ mode of columnar construction is a composition of


39. The contemporary style that turns down nature and becomes dependent on huge energy
supply is referred as


40. A 25- storied office building is served by a group of 4 lifts of 25 capacity each. Calculate
the probable number of stops`


41. Find the value of slenderness ratio of a wall of thickness 0.19 meter with the following considerations:
(i) Effective height = 2.74 m
(ii) Effective length = 4.32 m
(iii) Stiffness co-efficient =1
(iv) Effective thickness = Actual thickness


42. Match the following
Group1                                                                          Group 2

(Vehicle type)                                                              (PCU)

P. car                                                                              1. 1.5
Q. 2- wheeler automobiles                                        2. 1.0
R. bus                                                                             3. 4.0
S. agricultural tractor trailor                                     4. 0.5
5. 2.2
6. 0.2


43. Choose the correct sequence of waste management
P treatment
Q disposal
R source reduction
S recycling


44. Choose the correct sequence of the evolution of U. K. planning laws


45. Participatory plan development having scope like detailed planning, coordinated detailed
design, legal services, coordinating tender process, coordinating construction,
mobilization of funds, mortgage brokerage, operation and maintenance, sales and
marketing, is known as


46. The period between 1870 and 1940 was the era of metropolitan development in the
USA. Identify the factor that was not responsible for metropolitan development


47. The Bariloche model defines the key development factor as the Basic Needs to ensure
growth. Choose the correct combination that applies to it


48. Identify the attributes that best apply to Ring type distribution of electric supply.
P only one cable is laid from substation into each building
Q only one fused switch is required in distribution board in each building to isolate
the system
R current flows in both directions from intake room.
S repairs to any point disrupts supply to other buildings
T provides better and balanced supply than radial system
U repairing any cable fault at any point does not lead to loss of supply to any


49. Q. 57Match the defects in painting with their description
Group I (Description)                                                                                                Group II(Defects)
P Dislocation or loosening of some portion of painted surface                        1. Flashing
Q Formation of bubbles under the film of paint                                                  2. Fading
R Formation of glossy patch on the painted surface                                           3. Blistering
S Gradual loss of colour of paint due to effect of sunlight on pigments          4. Flaking
5. Grinning

6. Crawling


50. Identify the criteria that are best suited for building design in hot and dry climate
P high building density
Q plantation parallel to air movement
R small openings
S thick walls
T large openings
U plantation perpendicular to air movement


51. Calculate the number of light fixtures required in an office room of 8m x 7m, requiring
an illumination level of 400 lux on the work plane. Each light
fixture has a rated output of 7350 lumens. Assume a utilization factor of
0.5 and a maintenance factor of 0.8


52. The concept of “pattern language” deals with one or more of the following
P description of a problem that occurs in our environment and the core of solution to hat
Q communication and public participation using sign language
R recognition of styles and patterns of various languages
S devising patterns to create a building or a town


53. Which of the following are reasons to use mulch on the topsoil of newly planted shrubs
P aid in water retention
Q prevent soil temperature fluctuation R discourage weed growth
S improve landscape appearance
T protect from insects


54. The contemporary architectural theory which undermines conventional notions of
harmony, unity, and stability, breaks continuity and disturbs relationship between interior and exterior, is known as


55. Which is the correct match for the elements (Group1) with behavior (Group 2) ?
Group I                                                            Group II
P Beam/ Slab                                                  1. Flexure
Q Arch                                                              2. Compression
R Cable                                                             3. Meriodional Stress
S Shell                                                               4. Tension
5. Indeterminancy


56. In Indian system of Anthropometrics, two known and one unknown data are given, i.e., 8
angulas = 1 pada, 3 pada = 1 hasta, 4 hasta = 1 Danda and 1 danda = x padas. Given
this, find out the perimeter of a square site in angulas and dandas if its sides
are measuring 2 hastas each


57. What is the theoretical capacity of a traffic lane with one-way traffic flow at a speed of
60 kmph? Assume that the average cente to centre spacing of
vehicles at this speed is 16.68 m


58. Choose the attributes that apply to social infrastructures


59. Choose the right kind of statutory provision to enforce integrated urban conservation


60. A community comprising 120 hectares is having 60% of the land put to residential plots,
and a population of 30,600. Calculate the net residential density


61. Poor academic performancesof school children were attributed to missing breakfast and
subsequent malnutrition. The investigating survey schedule questioned every student,
how many days the students have missed the breakfast? Their response may be
referred as


62. A site map shows five contour lines. A line drawn across the lowest and the highest
contour measures 125 m and has a slope of 8 %. Determine the contour interval


63. Identify the components of Geographical Information System
P computer system and software
Q spatial data
R uniform energy source
S a super sensor
T real time data handling system
U data management and analytical tools


64. In energy technology, efficiency is equal to energy output by energy input. If the
efficiency level of a particular fossil fuel is 90 % and the mechanical efficiency of the
vehicle is 25 % then how much is the total efficiency of the vehicle?


65. The Bahai temple of New Delhi has a lotus plan. The lotus has x number of petals, y
number of equal angles and z type of architectural tradition. Which of the following is


66. Michael Wilford, Peter Salter and Richard Rogers are associated with


67. Match the fittings shown in Group 1 with the sketches shown in Group 2

Group 1
P Single socketed pipe
Q Double equal junction
R Pipe- shoe
S Reducing piece


68. Which is the correct match for items given in Group 1 with items given in Group 2?
Group 1                                                  Group 2
P Plastering                                           1 Volume
Q Earthwork                                         2 PERT
R Reinforcement                                  3 Schedule of bending
S Management                                      4 Area
5 Temperature


69. Identify the attributes that apply to sanitary landfill
P waste is deposited in 0.90 – 4.50 m thick layers
Q low lying marshy waste land are transformed into useful areas
R attract flies, insects and rodents
S causes health and pollution hazards
T chances of fire hazards in wet weather
U skilled personnel are required
V semi- skilled personnel are required


70. Match the urban forms in Group I with their corresponding urban areas in Group 2.
Group I                                                   Group II
(Description)                                         (Cities)
P Sheet                                                    1. Delhi
Q Star                                                      2. Tokyo
R Ring                                                     3. Copenhagen
S Linear                                                  4. Ohio

5. Bombay
6. Chandigarh


71. Four sequences of development are given below. Choose the one that is appropriate for


72. The neoclassical school and the modern ecological school of environment studies differ


73. The term Imperial Garden, Viewing hill, Middle Sea, South Sea, Gate of Heavenly
Peace, Land and God of Grain are associated with


74. Find the thermal transmittance (U) of a 50 cm thick wall with 5 cm cavity, 1.8 cm thick
plaster internally and having a normal exposure
Thermal resistivity of brickwork = 0.96 kcal per m² h ºC
Thermal resistivity of plaster = 2.02 kcal per m² h ºC
Thermal resistivity of 5 cm cavity = 0.205 kcal per m² h ºC
Internal Surface resistance = 0.1440 kcal per m² h ºC
External Surface resistance = 0.0620 kcal per m² h ºC


75. Domes of Islamic period are found in three distinct phases. Given below are four phases
and their respective examples. Identify the incorrect one Phases Type
(A) Imperial
Lodhi Tomb Dome,
(B) Provincial
Bijapur Dome
(C) Early style Samarkand Dome (D) Mughal
Sultan Ghori Dome


76. Identify the building that has open passageways, inner outer courts, influences from
Lodhi gardens, use of local stones for horizontal elements and precast concrete slabs
for vertical elements, in –situ concrete frames and burnt clay


77. Find the total volume of liquid in a septic tank with the following criteria.
i. Numbers of users =20
ii Cleaning intervals =365 days
iii The capacity required for sludge digestion = 0.033 m³ per capita at 25 ºC
iv Volume of digested sludge = 0.0002 m³ per capita per day


78. Safe axil load for a short R.C. square column having cross section as 300 mm x 300 mm
and 4 longitudinal bars of diameter 20 mm (using M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel) is
near to


79. Given below is a table of five types of roads and their characteristics. Which of the
following types represent the collector and the urban arterial street?
Type Width
P 10-20 30
Q 20-30 50
R 30-40 60
S 50-60 80
T 80-100 80-100


80. Match the hierarchy of Chandigarh road pattern
Group 1 Group 2
(Hierarchy of road) (Connection)
P V1 1 sector connector
Q V3 2 cross country
R V4 3 to building
S V5 4 sector divider
5 pedestrin connection


81. Public interest determinants of urban development may be stated to comprise of


82. Which housing layout variation does not follow a strict geometrical (orthogonal)


83. Choose the appropriate concept propagated in the urban landuse theory based on
economic determinants.


84. Identify the characteristics of a “district” as an element of imageability
P has two-dimensional extent
Q is channel of movement
R used as lateral references, boundaries, or breaks
S observer enters “inside of”
T presence of a common theme


85. A settlement pattern has a 4 x 4 matrix with a cross like principle axis of main roads and
four smaller cross like networks of arterial roads, opening upto 4 gateways cardinally.
The pattern is called


86. If the expected duration of a project is 30 months along with a standard deviationof 6
months, what is the probability that the project will be completed in 26 months?


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