Architectural Quizzes



GATE 2001

1. According to Aristotle, the ideal range of population for a city or polis is


2. ‘Crash Time’ of a project indicates the


3. ‘Architrave’ is the


4. The first garden city, Letchworth was designed by


5. The minimum water supply requirement per head per day for residential purpose including drainage and


6. The term ‘Conservative Surgery’ was coined by


7. Level of Services (LOS) for a signalized intersection is defined in terms of


8. The designer of the garden of Versailles, France was


9. The noise level for lecture rooms should be kept at


10. The architectural movement, which was also popularly referred to as ‘Jazz Moderna’ is`


11. Temples of many Sikharas are


12. Hardness of water is measured in parts per million by weight in terms of


13. The concept of ‘Ekistics’ was propagated by


14. Water seal in water closet is used to


15. Which of the following is generally the largest internal source of revenue for Indian municipalities?


16. For proper ventilation, the ratio of opening area in a room to the total floor area of the room, should be


17. Resemblance of Graeco-Roman basilica is evident in a Buddhist


18. Among the following architect- planner of foreign origin, the only one who is NOT associated with an Indian city is


19. The most appropriate plan type for comprehensive physical planning of a metropolitan region is


20. In network analysis, the amount of time by which the start of an activity may be delayed without hampering the start of a succeeding activity, is called


21. The most common method of protecting or preserving timber is


22. Codex Atlanticus, a book propagating a new concept in urban planning, was authored by


23. The book ‘Design with Nature’ was written by


24. The extreme limit to which a body can be repeatedly strained without fracture or permanent change of shape, is known as


25. The locus of a fixed point outside a circle rotating on a fixed straight line is called


26. Which of the following is the closest approximation to a land of area measuring 1.5 acres?


27. Two critical activities A and B need 5 and 8 days respectively, to complete. Another noncritical activity C needs 5 days to complete with a free float of 2 days. If C is completed in 4 days now, how much compression in project time is achieved?


28. In a seminar room of area 200 sq.m, 4 m height and total absorbing power of 120 m² sabines, what is the reverberation time?


29. A town has a basic employment of 25,000 workers. If the basic: non basic ratio is 1:2.5 and the workers dependency ratio is 4:1, what is the population size of the town?


30. For large and closed buildings, the fire hydrants should be located at distance of


31. What is the rate of ventilation due to wind action if the free area of the window is 1 sq.m., and the wind speed is 1 m/hr. Assume the wind to be perpendicular to the window


32. As per 1991 Census, the urban component of India’s total population was between


33. Zinc coating is given over the steel reinforcement to


34. Which of the following sequence of names constitute the botanical name for identification and use of landscape plants?


35. For a four-way road intersection the following alternative traffic management schemes are proposed { i)signalized intersection; ii) manually controlled intersection; iii) rotary intersection} Considering the above alternatives, which of the following statement is INCORRECT ?Considering the above alternatives, which of the following statement is INCORRECT ?


36. A residential plot of 20 metre frontage and 25 metre depth is governed by the development regulations of maximum F.A.R. of 200 and maximum plot coverage of 50development regulations of maximum F.A.R. of 200 and maximum plot coverage of 50 %. Upto what maximum height can the plot be built?v


37. Minimum visibility distance at a major road intersection, for a design speed of 80 kmph is


38. For accumulation of Re. 1/- for n years at a given rate of compound interest ‘i’, the annual sinking fund is equal to


39. Which of the following parametric conditions will provide the most suitable land for intensive development of settlement?


40. A rectangular room (internal dimension 5 m x 3 m) is made of 250 mm walls. Calculate the volume of concrete needed for 25 mm Damp Proof Course


41. With the following given data the velocity of undisturbed water flow in a rectangular open drain channel is equal to (Given data: coefficient of roughness = 0.11; liquid width = 1 metre; Depth of liquid = 60 cm; and slope = 1 in 200)


42. The term ‘gentrification’ refers to


43. A tree of 13 metres height is required to shade the entire southern wall of a building of 4 metres height. At a solar altitude of 45º, what should be the maximum distance of a tree from the building wall?


44. The Dampers placed in the air conditioning duct are provided to control the


45. A site map drawn to scale 1: 10,000 shows six contour lines at 5 metres contour interval. The highest contour elevation is 250 metres. The average distance between the highest and the lowest contour lines on the map is 2.1 cms. What is the average slope between the highest and the lowest contour elevations?


46. One cm square area on a map represents 9 hectares. What is the scale of the map?


47. If the original cost of the building is Rs 1,00,000/-, scrap value is Rs 1,000/- and the life of the property is 99 years, The Annual Depreciation calculated by Straight line Methodof the property is 99 years, The Annual Depreciation calculated by Straight line Method is


48. Loam category in soil texture is represented by


49. Which of the following operations should be the first one for setting up survey?


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