Architectural Quizzes



GATE 1997

1. The colonial word ‘Bungalow’ is originated from


2. The ‘Piazza del Campo’ is an example of


3. The unit of measurement, cusecs or cu.ft/sec is equivalent to


4. The fully urbanized country is


5. The Programming Language particularly suitable for commercial application is


6. Control of phenols with heavy metal contamination is possible through


7. ‘Years Purchase’ in perpetuity can be computed by (where ‘n’ is number of years and ‘i’ is the rate of compound interest)


8. The ‘Campidoglio’ was planned by


9. The Landscape planner for the Versailles was


10. Two major components of gas generated through anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge are


11. In a simply supported beam, the maximum bending moment occurs at


12. The proportion and sizes of Greek Architecture – its scale were based on


13. Use of Aluminium handles is prohibited in steel door or window frames due to


14. Walls and roofs should be massive and heavy in


15. Barium plaster is employed as a final coat


16. Eopolis is


17. The Aranya Project in Indore is planned by


18. U.S. Embassy in New Delhi was designed by


19. Largest urban area by population


20. Float valves are used in distribution reservoir or other tanks


21. Fire tower is


22. Individual parking space for car is


23. The maximum acceptable noise level inside library is


24. ‘Perspective View’ concept was developed in Europe during


25. The term ‘City of Light’ is associated with


26. Interstitial condensation refers to


27. A series of nearly equal-size cities in close proximity is known as


28. Architecture was defined as ‘Utilitas Fermitas Venustas’ by


29. Gray areas of the city are


30. When the contractor is asked to execute the various items of works specified in the schedule at the tendered rates, it is called


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