Architectural Quizzes



GATE 2008

1. Function of Air Handling unit in a building is to


2. The KYOTO Protocol -2003 addressed the issue of


3. The principle of Solid Waste Management involves


4. The correct diagram for mirror stereoscope is


5. Which of the following is not included in the UDPFI Guidelines for urban development?


6. A system of art- appreciation characterized by an unorthodox experimental approach to
appreciate visual, literary, and musical aspects of a design process, is called


7. An applied science of Design concerning Universal human characters and
configurations aiming at effective utility and safety is called


8. ‘Entasis’ is a visual correction for end columns by providing


9. The first group of people to influence the architecture of South-east Asia and the
Amravati School of Art was


10. A linear regression model involving one independent and one dependent variable
requires at least


11. Identify the FALSE statement


12. Under which category the percentage of landuse decreases with an increase in city size


13. The instrument that provides standards for land development by indicating lot sizes and
layouts is


14. Identify the group containing only GIS packages
P. Total Station
Q. Sat Guide
T. Corel Draw
U. Geo Media
V. ArcInfo


15. Organizations namely STACO, UNSCC and ISO are associated with


16. ‘Inflorescence’ in a tree- structure refers to


17. Income inequalities across population is expressed through


18. The Columbian Exposition in North America is synonymous with


19. The ideal cross section of a combined sewerage system for significant variation in flow is


20. The international guideline for conservation and restoration of monuments and sites
recommended by ICOMOS, is known as


21. Heating, cooling and ventilation in passive systems designs are dependent on


22. Which pair, out of the following options, is used in more than one computer languages
listed below


23. Match labels in the diagram with items in the table : Activity
Dummy Activity
Event starting/ finishing


24. Select the valid combination of shear force and bending moment diagrams fro the
loading shown below


25. Recommended temperature and fresh air flow for HVAC systems in office building in
India are


26. Match the architects/ city planners from Group I with the design movements listed in
Group II
P. Violett- le- duc 1. Post Modernism
Q. William Morris 2. Arts and Crafts movement
R. Robert Venturi 3. Ekistics
S. C A Doxiadis 4. French Rationalism


27. Structural adjustments between two regions with respect to supply and demand of
labourers and their wages is explained by


28. Match the surfaces in Group- I with the respective range of albedo values in Group- II
P. Close ground crops 1. 0.45- 0.95
Q. Bare lands 2. 0.05- 0.055
R. Water surface 3. 0.05- 0.45
S. Snow 4. 0.15- 0.25


29. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for defining urban area in India?


30. Signal phasing in transportation system refers to


31. Pair the groups correctly
P. Solar Constants 1. W/m deg C
Q. Air to air transmittance, U- value 2. 1.4kW/m²
R. Volumetric specific heat 3. W/m² deg C
S. Conductivity, K -value 4. Kcal/m³ deg C


32. Identify the right network representing the following statement,
‘S controls X, Y and Z; T controls Y & Z and U controls Y’.

33. Architectural projects designed by Laurie Baker are generally characterized by
P. Appropriate technology
Q. Human scale
R. Interpretation of Nine- square model
S. Use of locally available material


34. Match the glasses listed in Group I, with the appropriate descriptions in Group II
P. Liquid crystal laminated glass 1. Promotes absorption of both visible light and infrared radiation
Q. Electro-chromic glass 2. Improves thermal performance of the glass by
visible light and
infra red radiation
R. Coated glass 3. Requires continuous supply of electricity to change from
translucent to transparent state
S. Tinted glass 4. Requires electrical pulses to change from transparent to opaque state


35. Which of the following commands in AutoCad is used to extract one or more elements
from a list?


36. Identify the satellite that provides useful information for physical planning.
T. PSLV U. Google Earth V. Apple W. Quick Bird


37. Stack effect is


38. Match the equipments with their use
P. Power shovel 1. Spreading
Q. Front end loader 2. Drilling
R. Drop hammer 3. Excavation
S. Earth-auger 4. Piling


39. ‘Contemporary Architecture has made a shift from machine-based modernist approach to passive energy- sensitive approach.’
Which of the following group of architect’s best represent this shift?


40. ‘Park le de Villete’, Paris designed by Bernard Tschumi, is characterized by


41. The predominant characteristics of spatial organizational principles found in the works of


42. The ratios represented by the two number series 70:113:183 and 86:140:226 stand
respectively for


43. The difference between an axonometric projection and an isometric projection of an
object with respect to a picture plane is in terms of


44. A squinch system is a method of constructing an arch across a square base by erecting


45. Match the following
P. Nile valley civilization 1. Shang
Q. Indus valley civilization 2. Harappa
R. Euphrates and Tigris valley civilization 3. Akhetaton
S. Yellow River Civilization 4. Babylon


46. Match the appropriate arches with types listed below
1. Equilateral Arch 2. Lancet Arch 3. Drop Arch
4. Surbased Arch 5. Tudor Arch 6. Roman Arch


47. The study of varying population size of urban centres in a
region is assessed by


48. Identify the correct hierarchy of traditional Indian Settlements expressed in an ascending order.


49. Formal regions and Functional regions are determined respectively by their


50. Nagar Panchayats and District Planning in India were introduced as a result of


51. Shells and Space Frames are examples of


52. The concept of ‘Slum- networking’ aims to promote


53. The Law of Vicinity states that


54. Luminaire efficiency is defined as the


55. Match the following
P. Dumbwaiter 1. Opening
Q. Comb-plate 2. Escalator
R. Co-axial cable 3. Elevator
S. Transom 4. Data Signal


56. Negative and positive correlations between Price and Quantity of a
commodity are respectively represented by


57. Traditional Indian settlement patterns, based on orthogonal grid are represented by:


58. Plans of Mohenjodaro and medieval Jaipur are based on


59. Match the following
P. Frank Gehry 1. Pyramide du Louvre
Q. Norman Foster 2. Bilbao Guggenheim Museum
R. I M Pei 3. HongKong and Sanghai Bank
S. James Sterling 4. Neu Staatsgalerie


60. The most appropriate criteria to be considered for delineating backward regions are


61. The relationship between headway (h) and flow (q) in a traffic stream is represented by:


62. Match the diagram of Age Sex
pyramids from the descriptions of the population growth, given below:
1. Rapid growth 2. Slow growth 3. Zero growth 4.Negative growth


63. ‘Ecological Footprints’ corresponds to


64. Match the following with their area of application
P. Potometer 1. Area measurement
Q. Histogram 2. Soil moisture measurement
R. Electrostatic precipitator 3. Transpiration
S. Planimeter 4. Suspended particles T. Potentiometer 5. Statistics


65. The rule for generating Fibonacci series is


66. Two names associated with planning of Paris and Philadelphia are respectively:


67. Which of the following statements is valid for a saddled surface shell structure?
P. regions of downward curvature exhibit arch like action
R. regions of upward curvature behave as a cable structure


68. Which of the following statements describe the advantage of A.C. supply over D.C.


69. For which application software the following expression is valid? (* 2.5 (+ (/ a 2) (-5x)))


70. What would be the total outgoings in Rs?


71. What would be the annual rent in Rs?


72. If the years purchase in perpetuity comes out to be 12.5, what would be the capitalized
value, in Rs of the above building?


73. Level of Urbanization in the year 1921 was:


74. As per the table given in Q. no. 74, the annual growth rate of urban population of India
during 1921-1931 was:


75. In professional practice when there are disputes among the architects, clients and
contractors regarding the building constructions or contract, then to resolve the issues
the Expert/ Experts appointed for the same is termed as


76. When there is dispute among the above Experts, then another expert is appointed to
resolve the issues who is known as


77. Identify the formula for calculating the reverberation time (t) of a hall of volume V cu. M.,
where S represents sound absorption area


78. A school auditorium has a capacity of 800 persons. Considering 3.5 cu. M. of volume per
person and reverberation time of 1.25 sec, the total sound absorption area required
would be


79. If a bed room of 3m x 3m x 3m requires 3 air changes per hour, and difference in
temperature between inside and outside (ΔT) = 12 deg C, then ventilation heat flow
rate (Qv) will be:


80. For a given air velocity of 2m/s, the necessary cross sectional area of supply duct will


81. The number of senior secondary schools required for a city of population 1,00,000
persons is about


82. The total land requirement for senior secondary schools for a city of population of
1,00,000 persons is


83. Identify the relationship governing the cost of land (C) based on the following factors:
Net density in plots per hectare = p
Land use percentage allocation in net housing = q
Price of land in Rs. Per sq. m. = s


84. If for a housing development, p= 30, q= 45 and s= 500, then the cost of land per dwelling
unit is:


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